Sixth Grade Lessons

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Sixth Grade No Prior Drama 

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Sixth Grade With Prior Drama

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These year-long planning guides map a year of drama teaching.  We put these lessons in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit.  These sequences are not a mandate; rather, they are intended to provide you with assistance as you build a curriculum for your classroom.

NOTE ON LESSON SEQUENCES:  We have included two lesson sequences, one for students with prior drama instruction, and one for students without prior drama experience.  For classes without prior experience, download our Recommended Lesson Sequence for Sixth Grade No Prior Drama, and begin at Week One.  For classes with prior experience, download our Recommended Lesson Sequence for Sixth Grade With Prior Drama, and use that document as your guide for which lessons to teach. 

NOTE ON ACTIVITIES: You might notice that in this lesson sequence, some of the materials are activities rather than lessons. At this grade level, class periods usually get shorter, so teachers might not always have time for a complete lesson. Activities give teachers a little more flexibility, so they can target a focus skill of their choosing and get whatever they need out of each class period. Each lesson or activity in the sequence builds off of the previous one, providing the skill work needed for the next step in the sequence and ensuring scaffolded student improvement.  

NOTE ON FLEX WEEKS: What we know for certain about the school year is that it never goes quite as planned. Therefore, we adapted our curriculum to allow for wiggle room! A flex week is extra time built into a curriculum sequence to allow for class periods lost to fire drills, assemblies, snow days etc. If you find yourself with extra time, we have also provided a link to our lesson library, where you can find additional lessons for the Sixth Grade not included in our curriculum sequence.

Week 1 1. Book, Stick, Chair, Person1
2.    Yes It Is!2
3.    Transforming Three Objects Into Story2
4. Concentration and Partner Work1
5.    Statue Maker Redesign1
Week 2 6. The Circus 2
7.  The Tightrope   2
8.    Liar's Club1, 3, 4
Week 39. Body Objects with "BJ's Journey"2, 11, 12
10. Body Objects with "The Dreamer" Story  2, 11 ,12
11.    Bound North Blues2, 4, 6
Week 4 12.    Vocal Environment2, 3, 4, 6
13.    I Was Courageous2, 3, 4, 6
Week 5 14.  Team Juggling1, 3, 4
15. Refrigerator1, 3, 4
16.  Tableau1, 3, 4
17.  Tableau Stories1, 3, 4
18.  Journal Writing and Assessment1, 3, 4
Week 6 19. Pass the Word 4, 6
20.  Sound Catch4, 6
21.  Introducing Gibberish4, 6
22.  Gibberish Interviews4, 6
Week 7 23.  Three Scenes from a Book4, 6, 8
24.  The Sacred Scarab4, 6, 8
Week 825.  Open Scenes2, 5, 4, 7
26.  Elevator2, 5, 4, 7
Week 9 27.  Emotion Stories2, 8, 5
28.  Creating Mood 2, 8, 5
Week 10 29. Flex Week (Additional Lessons available here)
Week 11 30. Animal Shapes2, 8, 11, 12
31. How the World Was Formed on Turtle's Back 2, 8, 11, 12
Week 12 32. Read short play and Identify Story Elements (Tales Retold or a play of your choosing) 7, 8, 11, 12
33. Assessment on Dramatic Story Elements7, 8, 11, 12
Week 1334. Crossing the Road - Conflict Relay5, 7, 8
35. Action and Reaction5, 7, 8
36. Señor Coyote Acts as Judge5, 7, 8
Week 14 37. Reader's Theater with Poetry7, 9, 13
Week 15 38. One Person Monologue6, 10, 13
Week 1639. Two Character Dialogue6, 10, 13
Week 1740. Final Performances or Flex Week (Additional Lessons available here) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 13
41. Final Assessment on Collaboration, Planning, Imagination, Story Elements, Narrator Skills 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 13


Sixth Grade Drama Curriculum
CURRICULUM MENU  About this Curriculum Guide for Sixth Grade Students Each of these lessons has been tested in the classroom and taught successfully for many years.  These lessons are intended as an extension to the foundational Introductory Lessons which have the background and ...
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Grade Level

  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade