Find our collection of drama resources below to assist you in implementing a complete drama curriculum.

Second Grade Drama Objectives Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for seven- to eight-year-old students. This first PDF download above contains objectives used in our Second Grade Curriculum (also listed below) in a handy printout for reference. We have ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Second Grade Purchase Lesson Sequence Outline only
Purchase or download individual lessons below The lessons suggested for our Second Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit. This ...
Purchase or download individual lessons below The lessons suggested for our Second Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit. This ...

Third Grade Drama Objectives Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for eight- to nine-year-old students. This first PDF download above (appears below for members) contains objectives used in our Third Grade Curriculum in a handy printout for reference ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for First Grade Purchase Lesson Sequence Outline only or Purchase or download individual lessons below The lessons suggested for our Third Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit ...

Fourth Grade Drama Objectives Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for nine- to ten-year-old students. This first PDF download above (appears below for subscribers) contains objectives used in our Fourth Grade Curriculum in a handy printout for reference. We ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Fourth Grade The lessons suggested for our Fourth Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit. This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching based on the lessons ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Fifth Grade The lessons suggested for our Fifth Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit. This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching based ...

Building personal character through drama is easy with many of its interactive processes: planning, rehearsing, devising, evaluating, and critiquing others. During the acting process, actors must interpret, analyze, discuss, and imitate the character traits of the roles they play in a given story. Additionally, other ...

Character Education and Building Self EsteemDrama and self esteem are natural partners. All of the fine arts, including drama/theater, give people insight into themselves. Participants in the arts gain insight about their potential and function in the greater world. Drama/theater specifically uses tools (body, mind, ...

Tips for Casting Roles in a Classroom For drama to be successful, the leader must create a classroom environment that is safe (physically, emotionally, and intellectually) for the students. Using anonymous casting techniques is one way to protect emotional safety. One never knows which participant ...

Let’s continue the conversation about Classroom Management in Drama. Teachers have posed many questions to us concerning management techniques. I will answer this and then request other ideas from this community. The questions are stated exactly as they have been presented to me. I will do my ...

Let’s continue the conversation about Classroom Management in Drama. Teachers have posed many questions to us concerning management techniques. I will answer this and then request other ideas from this newsletter community and on our blog. The questions are stated exactly as they have been ...

This is my next article in this conversation about Classroom Management in Drama. Teachers have posed many questions to us concerning management techniques. I will answer this and then request other ideas from this community. The questions are stated exactly as they have been presented to me. ...

Download this FREE poster for Collaboration Tips. Join today to visit exclusive member-only pages on where you will find a classroom-tested curriculum with clear, simple implementation strategies. These also include ideas for creating your own lessons, support materials for classroom management, assessments, student engagement, ...

Lesson Creation GuideOnce you have become comfortable with our lessons, you may want to begin planning your own drama lessons or, better still, integrated lessons that connect drama to other content areas. Download this document for tools to guide your lesson planning process. It contains ...

Difference between Drama and TheaterOne of the top six questions asked by teachers learning to integrate drama is:"Do I have to do a play?" The short answer is NO, and here is the longer explanation why:Drama is about the process of experiencing the art form ...

Read for tips coaching in drama: a FREE downloadIn all the lessons offered on, as in any teaching situation, the degree and quality of teacher intervention are of terrific importance. In drama, the leader uses side coaching as a means of intervention to give ...

Drama Glossary with comprehensive definitions This PDF contains comprehensive definitions for drama terms found on this site. You can find other, simpler definitions in student language in vocabulary lists with each of the Curriculum Guides ...

Drama Objectives Overview There are three categories of drama objectives in the Erickson Drama/Learning Program. A combination of these objectives is necessary to achieve quality work from students. The categories are Self Management, Collaborative, and Discipline-based Art Objectives. The objectives shown here align with the National Standards (found in ...

Drama Self-Reflection Quiz To assess the level and performance of participants, use this 10-question form to determine their abilities and comfort with drama skills. This can be after introductory lessons or used to determine their capabilities ...

First Grade Drama Objectives Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for five- to seven-year-old students. This first PDF download above contains objectives used in our First Grade Curriculum (appears below for members) in a handy printout for reference ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for First Grade Purchase Lesson Sequence Outline only
Purchase or download individual lessons below This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching. We put these lessons in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as ...
Purchase or download individual lessons below This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching. We put these lessons in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as ...

Five Word Focus: a FREE resource There are three fundamental tools in drama: mind, body, and voice. These tools take center stage, especially for novices embarking on their artistic journey. Interconnected with these tools are five foundational skills in drama: concentration, imagination, transformation, imitation, and collaboration. These ...

Download this free poster for Five Useful Words for Drama. Join today to visit exclusive member-only pages on where you will find a classroom-tested curriculum with clear, simple implementation strategies. These also include ideas for creating your own lessons, support materials for classroom management, ...

In the documents below, we provide our translation of the grade-appropriate theater standards to specific and easy-to-understand drama objectives. These were transcribed and adapted from the National Standards for the Arts (also known as the National Core Arts Standards) and condensed into this easy-to-read summary. We ...

Criticism is a process for gathering information to analyze, classify, interpret, evaluate or judge a work of art to better understand or improve it. Skills involved with critique (analysis, interpretation, evaluation) rank high on Bloom’s taxonomy. As such, developing these skills can deepen students’ thinking ...

Kindergarten Drama Objectives Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for five- to seven-year-old students. This first PDF download above contains objectives used in our Kindergarten Curriculum (appears below for members) in a handy printout for reference. We have aligned the objectives ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Kindergarten Purchase Lesson Sequence Outline only
Purchase or download individual lessons below This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching. We put these lessons in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you ...
Purchase or download individual lessons below This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching. We put these lessons in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you ...

Level I: Foundations For Drama In this stage, participants focus on developing skills needed to participate in drama. The leader builds a base and a place where drama can happen safely for all participants at the individual development level of each group. At this level, these ...

Level II: Drama as ArtTo have art you must have form. Form in drama is beginning, middle and end (character, setting, language, conflict, exposition, rising action, inciting incident, crisis, catastrophe, falling action, climax, and denouement). Within the form, there is dramatic action driving the conflict ...

Level III: Life Drama DescriptionLevel III is characterized by the fact that there is no formal planning before the drama. Participants are usually unaware of the conflict to come. There might be preparation in character development, mood, setting (the “where”), and/or space. The leader's job ...

Level IV: Point of View Drama These lessons and units use a combination of Levels I, II, and III and a variety of improvisational strategies to allow students/participants to experience a theme, idea, concept, or philosophy from different perspectives. Level IV drama combines the first ...

A Management Approach to Redirect Misbehaving Actions in Drama.Young children need a way to recognize incorrect behavior choices while also feeling in control in the classroom. So much misbehavior arrives from young people
- - Feeling out of control
- - Needing attention from peers
- - Fear of physical, emotional, ...

Narration MethodsStudents can use several strategies to add narration to their dramas. Narration is a technique whereby one or more performers speak directly to the audience to tell a story, give information or comment on the action of the scene or the motivations of characters ...

Organizing Philosophy of this Drama/Learning Program by Karen EricksonDrama is an organized exploration into self-awareness and self-expression using movement, rhythm, verbalization, and role-playing. It creates an environment that allows the participant to safely explore his/her own feelings, behavior, and ideas. Students learn to create new ...

Plot Boosters Use this list of plot boosters to develop original stories for your drama work! These ideas can support the plot by moving the story along, giving the reader/viewer new information, showing character changes, foreshadowing, providing irony, creating cause and effect, and supporting the ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Pre-Kindergarten This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching for Pre-Kindergarten students. This is adjusted and shortened from the longer schedule for older students in Kindergarten. We put these lessons in a recommended delivery order below, but you ...

Classroom Management Tips for DramaOne of the most effective ways to prevent management problems and instances of misbehavior is by creating a safe drama environment. In my experience, it takes a lifetime of learning and struggle to find the best approach to drama classroom management. Once ...

Measuring student progress and achievement in drama requires a combination of written and performance-based assessment. On this page, there are a variety of tools to assess student learning and the effectiveness of instruction, customizable based on your assessment needs. These tools were designed to support ...

Recommended Lesson Sequence for Sixth Grade No Prior Drama Recommended Lesson Sequence for Sixth Grade With Prior Drama Purchase Lesson Sequence Outline only
Purchase or download individual lessons below These year-long planning guides map a year of drama teaching. We put these lessons in a ...
Purchase or download individual lessons below These year-long planning guides map a year of drama teaching. We put these lessons in a ...

Vocabulary List for the Sixth Grade This PDF document contains definitions in student language for the vocabulary words listed in each lesson. These classroom-tested definitions are used when introducing these concepts in the classroom. Of course, many of the words here may have additional meanings ...

Tips for Teacher "in Role" Working “in role” means that the leader takes an active part in the story and guides the drama from inside. An “active role” is defined as establishing one or more characters. This does not usually include being a narrator, but in ...

Teacher's Role in the Learning Level: a FREE resourceThe teacher's role changes from one learning level to another. This is important to understand for the students to benefit fully from the curriculum. Download this PDF to learn more. A special thanks to our subscribers - ...

Techniques for Viewing Classroom Dramas Often, at the end of drama sessions, there will not be enough time to see the work of every student or group. It is also important that general group reflection on the days’ objective(s) not be eliminated or abbreviated due to ...

Tips for Playing & Viewing Drama Work in the Kindergarten Class This PDF document contains some ideas for viewing or sharing student work specifically tailored to the younger grades including Pre-K and Kindergarten. They are a subset of the techniques we recommend for the older ...

Download this FREE poster to learn about Types of Conflict in Drama. Join today to visit exclusive member-only pages on where you will find a classroom-tested curriculum with clear, simple implementation strategies. These also include ideas for creating your own lessons, support materials for ...