B.J.’s Journey Lesson

B.J.’s Journey Lesson: Body Objects Transformation

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Objective: students collaborate with a partner using negotiation strategies and applying concentration, imagination, imitation, and transformation skills.

Students transform their bodies into objects and then into settings with a team of other actors for the story B.J.’s Journey. Students work alone, with a partner, and then with a team to use a variety of collaborative and planning strategies to complete the story. The students also continue to focus on C.I.T.I. (concentration, imagination, transformation, imitation) competence (part of the 2nd grade objectives). More work with the actor’s tools (mind, body, voice) prepares them for integrated work. Download B.J.'s Journey to complete the materials. When student teams are ready to decide who on their team will play B.J., remind them about the Ask, Don’t Tell rule from our Introductory Lessons as the beginning negotiation strategy to use when making a decision. This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the Second Grade Curriculum.

Second Grade Drama Journal: B.J.'s Journey

To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to use as reflection or formative assessment. For each lesson in the curriculum, we have created a corresponding journal page for your students. A drama journal allows participants to reflect on their learning and artistic growth (metacognition). It also allows you, the teacher, to see how students are using the drama vocabulary, thinking about big ideas, and perceiving their own strengths and weaknesses. If you use the journal for assessment and would like more assessment tools, visit our Second Grade Curriculum

Sixth Grade Drama Journal: BJ's Journey

We have also created a drama journal for older students, focusing on more advanced writing and reflection skills. You can use this assessment tool as a way to challenge older students to think critically about how they used skills from a prior lesson, collaborated with others, or came up with creative ideas. 

Grade Level


  • 3 Drama Tools
  • Collaboration
  • Concentration
  • Imagination
  • Transformation


  • Adding Details
  • Environment
  • Geography
  • Habitats
  • Plot Sequence
  • Teamwork


  • Open