Team Pantomime

Team Pantomime activity  This is a group activity that works with Movement and Imagination and focuses more on Collaboration.  It requires a list of complex objects that is provided.  See Introducing Pantomime as an introduction to Pantomime.

Sport Pantomime

Sport Pantomime activity  This is a group activity that works with Movement and Imagination.  It requires a list of sports that is provided but likely the participants will be able to generate their own.  See Introducing Pantomime as an introduction to Pantomime.

Pantomime-Creating a Room in Space

Pantomime: Creating a Room in Space (PDF)  This activity is designed to encourage cooperation and collaboration while working with the imagination.  It requires no additional materials.

Sensory Observation and Recall

Sensory Observation and Recall activity  This activity is designed to encourage observation and communication.  It requires participants or instructor to bring in objects that can fit in a box.

Pass The Story

​Pass The Story activity This activity has participants working as a group and requires various stories, poetry or text.  Example stories are provided, but feel free to adapt your own.