Book, Stick, Chair, Person Lesson: The Three Drama Words Download
Integration Ideas: Evaluation|Observation|Praising|Social/Emotional Learning|Visual Art
Concepts/Skills Taught: Evaluation|Imagination|Imitation|Transformation
Room Arrangements: Circle|Seated
Book, Stick, Chair, Person: The Three Drama Words
Overview: the students will learn what transformation, imitation, and imagination have to do with drama.
Objectives: students name the four fine arts; evaluate self and praise others; define the 5 key vocabulary words (concentration, imitation, imagination, transformation, collaboration); speak and listen in character.
Is there a book in your classroom? Take that book and pass it around letting students transform it, in their imagination, into something else…that accomplished, move on to passing a stick (ruler), adding a chair and culminate with adding another actor into a finished scene or image. Student work as playwrights as they create a scene. They work as a director when they give instructions to another actor to transform into an object. They work as actors, imitating how they might use the object if it were the thing they have imagined. Students delight in this lesson and it will give you insights into your classroom dynamics as you lay a foundation for harder dramatic work to come. This is part of our Introductory Lessons that serve to prepare students or groups for integrated drama work. When your class has completed our introductory lessons, move to the appropriate grade level drama curriculum.