Drama activities make up this foundational levelto introduce a skill or concept needed to do dramatic work. These are “pre-drama” activities. There is no story involved.
Participants focus on developing skills needed to participate in drama. You can read a more in-depth description of the levelalong with a chart showing the skills mastered, a planning checklist, and strategies for using this drama form.
Find original drama activities below that you can use to practice the 3 drama tools (body, mind, voice). Use the search bar to find specific topics, skills or concepts. Additionally, we have included specific activities into grade-appropriate curriculum teaching drama objectives to national standards.
Join us at OneStopDRAMAShop and and unlock our resources refined in classrooms for over 45 years. Drama is already in your classroom: let us show you how to draw it out of your students. Take the next step in your drama journey!
"Who Am I?" Charades Activity In this advanced charades activity, participants use voice and action to communicate a character and situation. You will need index cards to display the silly scenarios. Some ideas are included in the activity description! ...
Abstract Story Shape activity This activity involves abstract shapes for participants to create a story and requires no other materials. Abstract shapes are provided as a guide to the types of design--feel free to use them or create your own ...
Action Reaction Activity Participants send a surprise action to a partner, who must quickly react. Perfect for discussing cause and effect in literature. No props or additional equipment needed for this relay activity ...
Advanced Patty Cake activity In this activity, the participants work in pairs or small groups on a complex sequence of patty cake that gets reflected back for their partner ...
Airplane Control Tower Activity Blindfolds are needed for this activity. In partners, participants guide a fellow actor through an obstacle course of chairs and props assembled around the room ...
Alice in Wonderland Activity No props needed for this imaginative activity. Participants imagine being different heights, from teeny tiny to very large, and move about imaginary settings ...
Animal Freeze Activity Participants imitate animals while listening to signals that freeze and unfreeze them. Build listening and animal characterization skills with this activity ...
Animal Observation Activity This activity works best with a trip to the zoo. Actors observe animals in detail and create characters based on their observation ...
Articulating Pantomime activity This activity introduces pantomime as a skill and works in conjunction with voice development. Participants will develop diction and articulation in the vocal realm along with gestures and movement to develop the body (part of the actor's tools). This activity uses the included ...
Back to Back (PDF) This activity develops concentration and teamwork as a group. During the motion, the participants will need to focus (concentration skill) and problem solve as a group. It requires a signaling device (i.e. tambourine) or just a voice signal ...
Bag of Smells (PDF) Participants work alone or in groups using their sense of smell. They will expand on the emotions or feelings the smells evoke to create a story. The activity requires a bag filled with aromatic items (examples suggested in document) ...
Basic Charades Activity Participants physically act out book, movie, and song titles. We provide the traditional charade signals. Sample titles are provided as well for elementary, middle, and high school students ...
Basic Mirror activity Use this activity with your group to practice body-work with a focus on the skills of communication and collaboration. This will also increase their concentration. This activity works in conjunction with the Caveman story (suggested). This is part of a group of ...
Bean Bag Hot Potato activity Use this as a warm-up activity or improve the concentration and believability of the group. Three to four bean bags are needed ...
Before I Couldn’t, but Now I Can activity The kids share stories of skills they have learned without words. The group or teacher would guess the skill. This can be done either with the whole class or in smaller groups. It would also be useful ...
Big, Bigger, Biggest activity This activity is designed to get participants comfortable with using their bodies in a wide range of expression. Body is one of the primary tools in drama and proficiency is necessary for advanced work ...
Blind Walk Activity This partner activity requires blindfolds for half the class. Listening and teamwork are stressed as participants work with partners ...
Body Objects - a FREE Drama activityOverview: this foundational activity starts building skills in groups new to drama work.In this activity, students use their bodies to create setting and props. This activity will increase the concentration, imagination, and teamwork of your group. They will also ...
Body Reactions I Activity If your students are ready or excited to move into more story building – ease them in with this activity called Body Reactions which has a Level I and Level II. This activity has all students moving and pantomiming simultaneously ...
Body Reactions II Activity If your students are ready or excited to move into more story building – ease them in with this activity called Body Reactions II which is a follow-up to Level I. Building on the first one, this activity introduces everyday ...
Bop activity This activity requires basic math and counting (only could be an issue with younger students). It is a good mental warm-up and improves the concentration of the group ...
Bounce the Ball activity No actual ball is used in this activity. The primary purpose is to give the group practice with these drama skills and to train working as a group ...
Career / Job Imitation Activity Teams of four imitate activities associated with a career or job. The focus is on physical work [using the body from the drama tools]. One should allow extra time for planning & discussion when working with younger participants (i.e. 1st ...
Caught in the Act Activity Caught in a shape, participants explore movement while maintaining their shape. This activity works with movement and concentration while using the body (one of the three drama tools) ...
Change an Item Activity Just how observant are you? Find out how well your participants do with this simple activity which can also be used as an ice-breaker. In partners, participants improve their observation skills by noticing what others have changed about their appearance ...
Changing Action and Dialogue activity This activity works with imagination and action to create a scene enhancing the participants skills in the Language Arts. Two related activities are the preceding Changing Action and Dialogue and the advanced Help and Hinder ...
Character Interviews activity This activity has participants working in pairs or groups and requires a set of Stories, Poetry, or Nonfiction Text to hand out to each group ...
Character Observation Walk This activity is designed for older participants. Using observation skills, actors study a stranger’s walk and movements and then try to recreate that character in a drama. This activity can be used to develop a large variety of skills ...
Circle Claps activity This activity came from a Russian arts education specialist. Russians use a great deal of sound and rhythm in their work. It makes a great warm-up. You can have the group create their own variation to this game ...
Circle Game activity This game is designed to improve the group teamwork and problem solving to achieve a goal. We found that classes improve each subsequent time they play the activity ...
Classroom Sculptures Activity This activity works with the body to communicate an idea or concept.This activity requires whole class participation and is easy to link to vocabulary training. Sample words to use are included ...
Concentration Bubble Activity Use this simple activity with your group to practice the skills of focus and concentration. Participants use their imagination to create objects and follow it around throughout the space ...
Crazy Shapes Activity This activity encourages participants to create abstract forms and then creatively intuit concrete ideas from the randomness. This is a fun and challenging activity that builds both imagination and concentration ...
Crossing the Road Activity In this fun drama activity, students are put in pairs to improvise scenes about crossing a road. Participants will love to watch peers express their creativity and make bold choices! You will need chairs or other furniture to create a "road" ...
Discover, Explore, Use I Activity In this advanced activity, participants create improvised scenes about discovering an object. We include ideas for variations off the initial activity so this can be use in multiple situations. This advanced Level II activity (Drama as Art) can follow “Pass ...
Down, Down, Down activity Use this activity to work on increasing the concentration of the group. This is adapted from an Australian game and requires a ball or bean bag ...
Drawing Charades Activity Most people are familiar with some sort of charades as a party game. In this variation, participants draw words for team members to guess. This is a foundational activity leading to other basic and more advanced charades. We have included suggestions in ...
Emotion Bubble Activity With this activity, participants use their imaginations and demonstrate with the use of their body and mind (primary drama tools). They will practice expressing different emotions while keeping their own personal space. The emotions chosen should be appropriate for their age group ...
Emotion Masks Activity This activity challenges participants to convey emotions using only their bodies. They will learn to communicate emotions through gestures. Blank face masks or other suitable props (i.e. paper bag) are required for this activity ...
Emotion Scene Activity This challenging activity is designed for small groups with a focus on collaboration, imitation and emotion. This activity can be used as a practice for many skills sets (although not all at once!) due to its dynamic nature.The participants play out ...
Emotional Responses Activity Using a list of emotions with some examples provided, participants will demonstrate these emotions with the use of their body and mind (primary drama tools). Of course, the emotions chosen should be appropriate for their age group. There is also an opportunity to ...
Equidistant Activity activity Equidistance is fun in any size space. All participants are active at the same time. No materials are needed. The focus is on sharing space with a large number of people. It works with the skills of Body, Space, Problem Solving, Observation, Collaboration, ...
Everybody Counts activity This is a group activity in which participants figure out how to work together without typical verbal or expressive cues. The successful group will have learned how to revise and adapt to achieve their goal ...
Exchange Places Relay activity Exchange Places Relay is a preparation for theatrical presentations, requires no materials, and the space is divided into performance area and audience area. It utilizes the freeze technique and fosters abstract thinking ...
Fabrics activity In this activity, the kids choose from a variety of fabrics to transform one chosen "actor" into different personas. Each child should also have the opportunity to be the "actor." Successful groups will treat each other's ideas with respect ...
Falling Down I Activity This activity is designed for the younger participants (Kindergarten to 3rd) as it may be too simplistic for more experienced actors. We followed this with Falling Down II activity for older participants. After transforming into items (some examples suggested), participants creatively ...
Falling Down II Activity This activity is designed for the older participants (3rd to adult). We have written an activity called Falling Down I for younger participants. Participants move through space with different speeds, directions, and levels, and they also fall down [gently!] from time ...
Feather Activity We designed this activity for partner work to focus on building teamwork and concentration. No actual feathers are needed. The partners do not touch each other but work on action & reaction to develop the ability to collaborate ...
Flocking Activity This activity is designed for older participants working with teamwork, movement and following directions. Groups of six or eight, moving together, must follow each other [teamwork, collaboration] and react in a coordinated manner. This will definitely get people moving around which is good ...
Follow the Leader Activity This activity is designed for the younger participants (Kindergarten to 3rd) learning to listen and follow directions. They will develop skills for observation and imitation by watching and imitating others.This will definitely get people moving around which is good for ...
Follow the Line Leader Activity This activity is designed for the older participants (2rd grade and up) practicing listening and following directions as a group. They will develop skills for observation and imitation by watching and imitating others.This will definitely get people moving around ...
Follow the Parade Leader Activity This activity is designed for the younger participants (Kindergarten to 3rd) learning to listen, follow directions and work together as a group. They will develop skills for observation and imitation by watching and imitating others.This will definitely get people ...
Give and Take Activity This activity, designed for the older participants (6th grade and up), teaches the ability to work cooperatively with each other as the focus of a scene. Actors learn to “Give and Take” in this in-depth acting exercise that leads to improvisational ...
Gotcha! activity This activity is done with the group in a circle and can be used to review names. This activity also serves to increase the energy and focus of the group ...
Grandmother’s Footsteps Activity Based on an old American standard game, Red Light, Green Light, and perfect for a cold and rainy day. Great for 3rd grade and up – similar to Red Light but without a verbal signal for older students. You might ask them ...
Hat Pile activity In this activity, the participants act out different characters based on the hat on their head. Each person gets the chance with a different hat to transform into different roles. This activity requires an assortment of hats to indicate character ...
Heigh Ho activity Based on the well-known song (or others can be used as well) to make it easier for students, the activity encourages group cooperation. A catchy beat will make it easier to follow along. The participants will focus on the skills of teamwork, keeping the ...
Help and Hinder Activity This activity is related to "Action and Dialogue" activity along with "Changing Action and Dialogue" for dealing with Language Arts and imagination. This activity adds conflict as a new skill. In scene work, participants learn to create conflict and moments of ...
History Charades Activity This twist on classical charades combines with a social studies component to make education fun! Participants act out historical moments with no voice ...
Human Jigsaw Sculpture (PDF) This activity is designed to encourage cooperation and problem solving while working with Space. It requires no additional materials ...
Hunter and Hunted Activity Two blindfolds are needed as one actor must find another using sound only. We provided specific rules to this activity to practice specific skills. Listening and concentration are the focal point of this activity. This will definitely get people moving around ...
I Remember When I Felt Like This Activity Your participants work in groups for this teamwork-based activity.These teams create stories based on real, emotional events from participants’ lives. When using personal stories, remember our tips on setting up a safe drama classroom and managing ...
I Spy (PDF) A simple game of I Spy that does not require any additional materials. You can use this activity to develop the participant's five senses and observation skills ...
Imaginary Closet Activity Your participants work alone developing their “story” for this activity, but they share them with others. They practice using their imagination and body to tell the story. Participants enter an imaginary closet and work with imaginary objects and events ...
Imitating Objects Activity We designed this activity for partner work between pairs of participants to communicate using the body and no voice. Participants transform their bodies into objects while other participants imitate using those objects. The Body Objects activity works well for a lead up ...
Imitation Relays activity This activity is a variation on hot potato with participants cooperatively interacting. Instead of passing a "potato", they pass and adapt different types of activities (suggestions included) ...
Impossible Sculptures Activity We designed this activity for partner work in small groups of participants to collaborate and problem solve using the body. In groups of four or five, the participants create team sculptures. No props are necessary ...
Improvisation: Saying “Yes" activity This activity has participants working in pairs and emphasizes social/emotional learning and the impact of using both yes and no in conversations ...
Introducing Gibberish (PDF) This introductory activity has participants working in pairs or groups communicating in Gibberish and requires no other materials. An advanced Gibberish Interviews is also available ...
Introducing Pantomime (PDF) This is an individual or group activity that works with Movement and Imagination. Simply post a list of common objects, (no real objects required!). Students choose an object from the list to communicate through movement to the audience. Pantomime is a foundational ...
Jumping Mirror Activity We designed this activity for partner work between pairs of participants to communicate and respond interactively using the body. This is part of a group of mirror activities ...
Knots activity (PDF) This activity is designed to encourage problem solving and cooperation while working in groups. It requires no additional materials ...
Landscape Activity Your participants work in concert for this teamwork-based activity. The entire group creates a “Landscape” that others must guess. This activity might build off of the Body Objects one. This activity is a wonderful way to introduce setting in drama and language arts ...
Lemonade Activity Your participants work in concert or in group of 5-6 for this teamwork-based activity. Teams, using collaboration and imagination, imitate actions of a profession or career using the body. This activity is a wonderful way to introduce setting in drama and language arts ...
Lifting and Passing Objects activity This activity works with the imagination to imitate the actions of lifting and passing. Using this activity will improve the group's focus and concentration ...
Light and Dark Activity Your participants work alone in their own personal space for this activity, but they do so concurrently. They practice using their imagination and body to simulate the environment. Participants work with movement and their imagination ...
Listen to the Beat Activity For those working on concentration and moving into more imagination building – you might try this activity which adds movement about and through the space similar to the Freeze Activity. This also reinforces the signaling device if you haven’t used ...
Listening Mirror activity This activity expands on previous mirror activities to include language arts skills. Participants will develop better focus and listening skills with this ...
Lumi Sticks activity This activity has participants working in pairs creating rhythms with a set of sticks or rods. Ideas are rhythms are provided and you will need to find a pair of sticks per person in the group ...
Magic Carpet Ride Activity This activity is designed for the younger participants (Kindergarten to 3rd) for using their imagination and creating setting and space. Contrary to the name, no carpets are necessary. This activity has been built into a complete lesson for both the Kindergarten ...
Making Machines Activity Your participants work in concert for this teamwork-based activity. Teams use movement, concentration, and shapes to build collaboratively. This activity can be used to emphasize the body, shape, voice, sound or aesthetics. We created several lessons around the machine concept for different ...
Making Objects Move activity In this activity, kids use their bodies to transform into objects that move and make sound. You can use settings and objects from books or subjects currently being studied in class ...
Man Made Rhythm activity In this activity, each participant thinks of a particular man-made object to act out with a concentration on movement. This activity focuses on the body of the 3 drama skills (body, mind, voice) ...
Math Improvisation Activity Your participants work together for this group-based activity. These teams create story improvisations based on mathematical statements.We provide some ideas for these mathematical stories. Use this activity to practice problem solving and imagination. Groups can also be encouraged to connect to ...
Math Stories Activity Your participants work in small groups for this activity. They practice creating stories and improvising an imaginary character that must answer questions using mathematics. This activity connects math to creating a believable character. We have provided some story cards in this download ...
Meet and Greet Activity Your participants work in small groups for this activity. This entire activity is a metaphor for all of theater. It is a great teaching tool. This has been developed and used for over 30 years and it WORKS. Participants are guided ...
Molding Space & Objects Activity Participants work individually using their imagination to create objects in space. This activity can also be used to integrate the Body, Gestures or Transformation. Participants can integrate physical activity to the image they create ...
Motivation I: Move the Chair Activity Participants work individually using their imagination in this activity with a real chair (note: you will need to provide a chair). This activity can be employed to practice a variety of skills such as Believability, Problem Solving, Subtext or ...
Motivation II Activity Building on the Motivation I activity, participants expand their imagination skills beyond the chair. Participants work in pairs to decide on motivations for simple physical actions. We provide ideas for these actions or you can invent your own to match the objectives of the ...
Motivation III Activity Building on the Motivation I and Motivation II activities, participants now learn how to express motivations with clear physical actions. The lesson includes examples of strong motivations to use in your class. This activity is the third activity in a Motivation series that successively builds skills ...
Motivation IV Activity Building on the Motivation I, Motivation II, and Motivation III activities, this exercise encourages participants to expand their improvisation and imagination skills. Given simple actions, participants must demonstrate a variety of motivations. We provide suggestions for effective actions to use in your ...
Music Mime I Activity Music can be a powerful way to tell stories. In this activity, students will connect music and drama by creating short scenes based on what they hear. The lesson offers variations for different age and ability levels. You will need a ...
Music Mime II Activity Following on the Music Mime I Activity, participants now work in small groups to create scenes based on a given piece of music and an assigned environment. This is an opportunity to strengthen teamwork skills while exploring the connections between music ...
Nature Rhythm activity In this activity, the participants need to imagine a nature item that the group or teacher tries to guess. No other materials are needed ...
Nature Rhythm Walk Activity Are you looking for an activity that gets students moving? In this exercise, participants move around the room based on an object from nature. Integration possibilities include units on biology or literature. Access to natural objects from the outdoors is required ...
Noiseless Sounds activity This activity focuses on working with the body aspect of drama skills (body, mind, voice). This activity does not require any other materials ...
Object Box Activity If your students enjoy charades, they will love this fun and challenging exercise. Using their five senses, participants enact the qualities of everyday objects. This activity requires one small item for each participant and one large box for the class ...
Obstacle Course Activity This obstacle course is an imagination workout! Participants will plan, practice, and present how to move through an imagined path while avoiding traps and terrors. No materials are required ...
One Word Story - Advanced activity This activity builds on the beginner activity of One Word Story. It has participants in partners and works with the skills of Listening, Story Elements and Speaking ...
Pantomime: Creating a Room in Space (PDF) This activity is designed to encourage cooperation and collaboration while working with the imagination. It requires no additional materials ...
Pantomimes Activity If your students have mastered imitation, they may be ready to try pantomime! With pantomime, there are no props or sounds; participants must tell a story using only the body. In this activity, pantomime is introduced with various prompts. No materials are required ...
Partner Lifts Activity In this activity, partners attempt to lift each other up while using their imaginations. Concentration, cooperation, and trust are keys to success. You may integrate this exercise into lessons on physical education and character education. ...
Partner Pantomime Activity Pantomime requires actors to tell a story without using props or voice. In this activity, partners work together to pantomime an action. Participants will work on movement, communication, and collaboration skills. No materials are required ...
Pass the Emotion activity Use this activity as practice identifying simple emotions with your group. They will learn skills an actor uses that helps him/her communicate an emotion believably. This foundation builds toward using the body and voice to communicate a story. No additional materials are needed ...
Pass the Face activity This game is similar to the telephone game and is good for focusing on imitation and communication. It requires no additional materials ...
Pass The Story activity This activity has participants working as a group and requires various stories, poetry or text. Example stories are provided, but feel free to adapt your own ...
Pass the Word activity In this activity, each participant is assigned a character to mimic as the group works together to pass around a word or phrase. Word suggestions and character ideas are provided and no other materials are needed ...
Peanut Butter and Jelly Activity This is a fun activity to encourage collaboration, observation, and imitation skills. The class enacts the various facets of a word while one participant attempts to guess the word. This activity has also been adapted into a full Peanut Butter ...
Pencil Sharpener activity In this activity, all participants are in a circle and they signal each other using their "sign." This activity does not require any other materials ...
Phone Booth Activity Each participant uses a phone booth to make an important call – but the scenes are completely silent! Participants practice imitation and character building skills in this entertaining activity ...
Phrase Charades Activity In this version of charades, participants enact nonsense phrases for teammates to guess. It is a fun way for students to build communication, gesture, and observation skills! The activity requires prewritten phrases on index cards. This activity follows the Basic Charades activity ...
Pirate's Treasure Activity Participants attempt to steal a pirate’s treasure without being caught! This is an excellent activity to encourage concentration and listening skills. You will need a spray bottle ...
Poison Activity Participants learn spatial awareness as they walk across the room without touching each other. This activity is especially designed for younger elementary students. You will need tape or string to mark off a square in your classroom ...
Punctuation Walk Activity In this activity, participants connect physical movements to punctuation marks. The exercise requires slips of paper filled with sentences. This activity is designed for integration with language arts ...
Puppet Hands Activity This fun activity builds creativity, imagination, and observation skills! Participants imagine their hands as puppets. No materials are required ...
Rabbit, Elephant, Duck, or Horse Activity In this fast-paced and competitive warm up game, participants quickly create animals with their bodies. This activity can also be integrated with language arts by using characters or images from a book! ...
Red Light, Green Light Activity For those working on concentration and moving into more imagination building – you might try this old American standard game, perfect for a cold and rainy day. Great for 3rd grade and up – adds the element of listening though ...
Reflections Activity This is a fun and useful activity that can be integrated with almost any subject! Participants build aesthetic awareness as they transform into people and objects from pieces of art. ...
Refrigerator Activity If your students enjoy playing the classic "telephone" game, they will love this physical adaptation. In an exciting team-based relay race, participants practice their pantomime skills. No materials are required ...
Rhythm of My Name Walk Activity Participants create walks to match the rhythms in their names. This activity can be integrated with lessons on music or poetry ...
Robbers at the Door Activity Transitions can be difficult for younger children. Eliminate chaos and noise while preparing your room for drama with this fun activity for elementary school students. Use this activity with younger students as they move their desks to prepare the classroom ...
Rubber Band Activity This is a great physical warm up for all ages! Participants stretch and release their bodies while learning to work with space and follow directions ...
Rumors are Flying Activity Designed for advanced students, this is an adaptation of the classic telephone game. Participants will practice their listening, improvisation, and imitation skills as they move around the room and enact a scene ...
Sensory Observation and Recall activity This activity is designed to encourage observation and communication. It requires participants or instructor to bring in objects that can fit in a box ...
Simon Says Activity This traditional leader/follower activity focuses on teaching concentration and listening. It works especially well as a warm up before other drama work! ...
Snake in the Grass Activity Imagine "red light, green light," tag, and animal transformation all rolled into one! This high-energy and silly game will delight your students as they practice concentration and teamwork ...
Snakes, Spiders, and Snails Activity This fun game combines tag, listening, teamwork, and concentration. Best of all: There are no losers! Everybody plays until the very end ...
Snatch the Bacon Activity In this traditional game, teams try to accumulate points by grabbing a cloth designated as the “bacon.” The activity also works well when integrated into language arts lessons. ...
Sound Catch Activity Working on the voice, participants toss sounds to each other and around a circle. You may wish to follow this exercise with the Vocal Environment activity. Sound Catch Journal Grade 6 To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to ...
Sound Story activity This activity works with sounds representing objects from around the room. The participants then create a story with those sounds ...
Sound Story #1 activity This activity has participants working in groups of ~5 using human-based sounds. It requires a signaling device and works with the skills of Improvisation, Voice, Story Elements, Imagination, and Brainstorming. For an activity that works with object-based sounds (non-human), see Sound Story ...
Sound Story #2 activity This activity has participants working in groups of ~5 using object-based sounds (could be any object in the room). It requires a signaling device along with a sound-making object and works with the skills of Improvisation, Voice, Story Elements, Imagination, and Brainstorming ...
Sound Symphony activity In this activity, participants work in small groups and each finds something in the room that produces sound. As a group, they work to reproduce a song. This is related to the Vocal Symphony activity ...
Space Chase Activity Following a design on paper, partners create characters in a chase or race. This activity works well when paired with a story that includes a chase, such as "The Tortoise and the Hare." ...
Sport Pantomime activity This is a group activity that works with Movement and Imagination. It requires a list of sports that is provided but likely the participants will be able to generate their own. See Introducing Pantomime as an introduction to Pantomime ...
Statue Redesign Activity Building on Statue Maker, participants are able to change and alter details of fellow participants’ statues. This activity is also part of a full Statue Redesign lesson that is designed for language arts integration ...
Statues Alive Activity Participants start as statues, but soon they begin to come to life! As the leader guides this transformation, students will practice their concentration and imagination skills ...
Statues Speak Activity In this advanced statue making activity, participants create and revise statues based on a prompt. In addition, statues have the chance to speak! Students will learn how physical and aesthetic choices can communicate ideas. ...
Stick Foot to Floor Activity This activity is designed to teach concentration and body awareness skills. Participants imitate nailing or gluing their feet to the floor and experiment with movement in all directions ...
String Pull Activity Following the directions of a leader, participants imagine being pulled by strings that affect different parts of their bodies. This is a great activity to connect with physical education or language arts! ...
Tableau Activity In teams, participants create still pictures that demonstrate aesthetic principles such as level, shape, and gesture. Tableaux can be used effectively in many drama and integrated lessons, so the possibilities are endless! Tableau Journal Grade 6 and Up To maximize student achievement, download ...
Tangled Arms I Activity Teams of participants entwine their arms and must use collaboration to untangle themselves! This is the perfect activity to teach and encourage teamwork. This also links to Tangled Arms II activity ...
Tangled Arms II Activity Building on Tangled Arms I, a group of participants entangle their arms while a fellow participant must untangle them. This version of the activity encourages listening and leadership ...
Tap Tap Activity In this fun and competitive game, participants try to escape the center of a circle. You will need a roll of paper, and each student will need a chair ...
Team Chairs Activity This game is just like musical chairs, but there's one big difference: No one gets out! Instead, the team must work together to keep everyone in the dwindling number of chairs ...
Team Juggling Activity Participants must use concentration, teamwork, and listening to keep a set of balls in the air! You will need at least ten balls, beanbags, or socks. Team Juggling Journal Grade 6 To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to ...
Team Object Vehicles activity In this activity, kids create imaginary vehicles from body objects (see the Body Objects activity for more focus on this skill). This activity is designed for group work of 4-5 people ...
Team Pantomime activity This is a group activity that works with Movement and Imagination and focuses more on Collaboration. It requires a list of complex objects that is provided. See Introducing Pantomime as an introduction to Pantomime ...
Texture Characters activity This activity requires bags of items (i.e. textured cloth or other material). This can be done individually or in groups ...
The Adverb Game This activity is perfect for students studying adverbs in a language arts class. Participants will explore how different adverbs affect the movement qualities of a variety of actions. ...
The Chair activity Use this activity to focus on concentration and the ability to continue amidst distraction. This requires a short passage to read aloud that is not too challenging ...
The Freeze - a Drama activityOverview: this important activity sets a classroom management signal useful in future lessons. Members can use this FREE activity to introduce and practice foundational drama skills and routines. This is also an important activity as it sets a classroom ...
The Journey activity In this activity, the kids take a guided journey through different settings. The settings can be related to some of your current teaching topics. It may be useful to begin with a locomotor, controlling personal space, warmup activity ...
The Kite Activity Partners use observation and teamwork to imitate the flying of a kite. This activity works well as an introduction to The Dragon Kite story ...
The Letter Activity This activity focuses on physical reaction as students communicate the contents of a letter. Participants will work on their emotion, believability, and imitation skills ...
The Liars’ Club activity This activity has a smaller group of participants try to fool the larger audience with a personal story. This practices strategies for good storytelling (i.e. eye contact, vocal variety, etc) ...
The Line Up Activity This is an action-reaction activity that also requires listening, observation, and imagination. Participants will enjoy having the chance to both initiate and respond to physical actions ...
Tongue Twisters activity This activity has participants working in small groups or as a whole group. Tongue Twisters are provided to get things started, but you can provide your own ...
Train Station activity This activity is good for concentration and teamwork with everyone working together as a group. It requires a room arrangement of chairs in a circle ...
Transform the Chair Activity This imagination-building activity asks participants to transform their physicality as they imagine different environments. The activity includes ideas for places to try! Each student will need a chair ...
Transform with a Chair Activity This exercise is designed for beginning students. Participants learn how to transform into characters. The activity includes suggestions for characters to try! ...
Transforming Movement Activity Working with the body, participants imitate movements and then create their own. Use this activity to discuss energy, transformation, and dance! ...
Traveling Through a Setting activity Traveling through a Setting uses locomotor movement and enough space so students can travel as a group of 7-10 people. This is a great application of sense memory and collaboration. No materials needed, just open space ...
Treasures on the Beach Activity Participants work with imaginary objects they might find on a beach. This activity makes a great introduction to a seashore story such as Do Not Open by Brinton Turkle. ...
Truth on Stage Activity This activity is designed to introduce believable action. Groups of participants observe each other and discuss how believability and concentration affect a scene ...
Tug of War Activity This is just like tug of war in real life, but without a rope! Participants will practice action/reaction, concentration, imitation, and collaboration while having a lot of imaginary fun! ...
Vampire Activity This activity is a useful and silly way for participants to learn each other's names in early sessions. Students will work on concentration and listening while having a lot of fun! ...
Vocal Character Responses Activity Participants will enjoy stepping into different roles to act out in-character responses to common phrases. They will exercise their imaginations and demonstrate with the use of their body, mind and voice (primary drama tools). The skill here is in believability, convincing others of ...
Vocal Environment activity In this activity download, the participants work in both large and small groups mimicking a specific environment's sounds ...
Vocal Symphony activity In this activity, each participant creates their own vocal sound and they work in groups to create a vocal symphony. This is related to the Sound Symphony activity ...
Voice Warm-up #1 activity This activity has a series of exercises to prepare their voice for theater presentations. This can be used as part of a performer's warm-up voice ritual. After they become proficient, they should move on to Voice Warm-up #2 ...
Voice Warm-up #2 activity This activity has a series of exercises to prepare their voice for theater presentations. This can be used as part of a performer's warm-up voice ritual. This exercise works the vowel sounds and the articulators. You should start with Voice Warm-up #1as a ...
Waiting for the Bus activity This activity has participants working in groups of 4-5 both with and without speaking. It works with the skills of Imitation, Body, Action/Reaction, Imagination, Collaboration, and Story Elements ...
Walking Activity Participants, working on concentration and imitation, imagine walking on different substances. This activity is useful for integration with physical education and dance ...
Walking Through Space Activity This exercise will engage your students' bodies and imaginations! As participants walk around the room, they will explore how different body parts and different environments affect their movements. ...
Wall Mirror activity This activity is a partner-based exercise to increase the collaboration of the group. This is part of a group of mirror activities ...
Who Started the Motion Activity For those working on concentration and moving into more imagination building, try this full classroom activity. This builds class teamwork as they work together observing the leader's actions while building concentration skills ...
Who's Got My Song? Activity When you need to put your students in pairs, try this fun and musical activity! Using voice, concentration, and listening, students will mingle to find their partner ...
Word List Activity Word List is an activity for later elementary, middle, and upper grades that stresses memory, recall, and word association skills. Participants do not have to interact with each other as the focus is on listening and connecting what they hear to other ...
Word Pictures activity This drama activity has participants working in 4 groups and requires a list of vocabulary words to create a tableaux. This works with the skills of Movement, Body, Imagination, Aesthetics, Collaboration, Observation, and Communication ...
Word Rhythm Dance activity In this activity, participants use body and voice together in rhythm that works to a internal beat. In smaller groups of 4-5, they collaborate to create a dance with their movements ...
Words in Motion activity This activity uses selected vocabulary words that each participant uses cooperatively, but sequentially in action. This works with smaller groups or the whole group ...
Working with Costumes Activity In this fun and adaptable activity, participants use costume pieces to create characters and scenes. You will need a box of costumes to spark your students' imaginations! ...
Working with Props I Activity In pairs, students use a prop to inspire a scene. This activity encourages the essential drama skills of planning and practicing. You will need at least one small object per group of students ...
Working with Props II Activity Following on Working with Props I, participants will work in small groups to create scenes with props. You will need at least one paper bag and three objects for each group. ...
Yes It Is! Activity Participants transform everyday objects into new objects. This fast-paced relay will encourage your students to build imagination and imitation skills! Yes It Is! Journal Grade 6 and Up To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to use as ...
Yes, No, and Fruit Salad Activity In this lively game, participants attempt to change spots in a circle without getting stuck in the center! This is an excellent activity for practicing concentration and listening skills ...
Zip Zap Zop Activity In this classic drama game, participants send energy around the circle while working on concentration, listening, and teamwork. Challenge your students to see how fast they can get! ...