The Sacred Scarab Lesson – Review & Assess

The Sacred Scarab Lesson: Review & Assess  Overview: the students review how all the tools and skills they learned fit together to create a drama.  Objectives:  students demonstrate memorization skills; demonstrate interpersonal and collaborative skills; define story elements.  Reviewing skills previously learned are at the heart of this summative lesson: acting out a story with human characters, … Read more

The Hare and Tortoise Lesson: Playing Animal Characters

The Hare and Tortoise Lesson: Playing Animal Characters Overview: the students will learn how to play non-human characters. Objectives:  students define and practice collaborative strategies; define the drama tools; define story elements. Fables are a great way to combine all the drama skills into the first story they will play on their own.  The Tortoise … Read more

The Circus Lesson: Introducing the Three P’s

The Circus Lesson: Introducing the Three P’s

The Circus Lesson: Introducing the Three P’s Overview: students demonstrate the skills necessary to create a good drama. Objectives:  students identify the importance of planning and practicing; discuss good audience behaviors; demonstrate use of the drama tools (mind, body, voice). Students create a variety of circus acts.  At first it doesn’t go so well because … Read more

Body Objects – a FREE drama lesson

free drama lesson

Body Objects Lesson: Creating Settings with Details Overview: students collaborate with a partner using negotiation strategies and applying concentration, imagination, imitation, and transformation skills. Objectives: students collaborate with a partner using negotiation strategies; apply concentration, imagination, imitation, and transformation skills; identify story elements. Students transform their bodies into objects and then into settings with a … Read more

Concentration and Partner Work Lesson

Concentration and Partner Work Lesson: Statue Maker Overview: students explore the role of the mind in drama. Objectives: students evaluate self and praise others; define the 5 key vocabulary words (imagination, imitation, transformation, concentration, and collaboration); practice self-management; demonstrate collaborative strategies Freeze!  How long can students stay frozen?  Can they hold still for a partner, … Read more

Book, Stick, Chair, Person Lesson: The Three Drama Words

Book, Stick, Chair, Person: The Three Drama Words  Overview: the students will learn what transformation, imitation, and imagination have to do with drama. Objectives:  students name the four fine arts; evaluate self and praise others; define the 5 key vocabulary words (concentration, imitation, imagination, transformation, collaboration); speak and listen in character. Is there a book in … Read more

Introducing the Five Senses Lesson

Introducing the Five Senses Lesson Overview: the students will learn why actors need to know and use all 5 senses. Objectives:  students name the four fine arts; demonstrate the five senses; evaluate self  and praise others. The five senses are key to acting, visualizing literature, and understanding the world.  Often they are only addressed in … Read more