Peaceful Problem Solving Digital Book
Now available as a Digital Book!
Purchase this today and receive an immediate link for downloading. This digital edition is flexible to cover educators who prefer to work primarily with digital tools (tablets & computers) along with those desiring a printed version. All or part of this edition can be printed to edit, rearrange, make notes, or replace parts with custom sections.
This collection of Conflict Resolution lessons is available in digital form for easily download! This digital copy can be used on any electronic device for quick reference or can be printed. In addition to the Lessons, this digital edition contains tips, guides and insight in using Drama for peaceful problem solving.
Drama is a natural partner for developing character education knowledge and skills. This set of eight lessons teaches conflict resolution and drama skills to students in grades 1 through 10. Topics include: making choices, emotions, resolving conflict. When printed, this guide can be three-ring hole punched to fit in your original Getting Started with Drama binder. They are perfect complements to your existing curriculum.
This is the first time this guide has been made available electronically. It includes special lessons, tips and charts outlining strategies for Character Education in pursuit of Peaceful Problem Solving. Some of the goals of this program include students' development of positive personal character traits, handling conflict and establishing teamwork, and generating self-esteem and self-care.