The Mindless Woman Download
Integration Ideas: Humor|Observation|Plot Sequence|Repetition|Story Elements
Concepts/Skills Taught: Imagination|Imitation|Plot|Repetition|Setting|Space Control|Story Elements|Storytelling Narration
Room Arrangements:
The Mindless Woman story
This story is such a delight for students because they enjoy the silly nature of the woman’s actions. The story was originally created for second graders studying China in social studies. The students can be put into teams of four and given the direction that everyone needs to be in the story at all times. Since there is only one character, students need to use previous knowledge and skills learned in Body Objects and The Hare and the Tortoise stories to determine how everyone was going to contribute to the final work.
It works with the skills of Imagination, Imitation, Narrator/Storytelling, Repetition, Space Control/ Design, and Story Elements: Plot & Setting.