4th Grade Rubrics & Assessments Download


Integration Ideas:
Concepts/Skills Taught:
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SKU: 3820 Category:


4th Grade Teacher Rubric 

4th Grade Student Rubric 

Drama Self Reflection 

Drama Journal 

Performance Assessment: "Emotion Scenes" 

Performance Assessment: "Digging A Hole" 

Performance Assessment: "The Well" - requires The Well story

Fourth Grade Knowledge Assessment 


Measuring student progress and achievement in drama requires a combination of written and performance-based assessment.  On this page, there are a variety of tools (PDF downloads) for use throughout the school year to assess student learning and the effectiveness of instruction.  These tools were designed to support the Fourth Grade Curriculum.  Below is a brief description of each tool.

  • Drama Rubric:  This rubric was created to address the basic skills taught in the fourth grade curriculum. I use selected components of this rubric regularly. Give students only those parts of the rubric that you cover in a given lesson. You might want to create additional rubrics and a student record sheet for documenting student progress.
  • Drama Self-Reflection:  This drama self-reflection is most effective if students use it at least three times.  Keep each version and have students compare their reflections at the end of the year.  Feel free to read the statements aloud to the students, as needed.  Explain any statements they don’t understand.  You want to keep this process safe as this is not an assessment and should not be graded.  This is simply a way for students to gauge personal growth and reflect on their own learning.
  • Drama Journal:  A drama journal has been included to deepen and extend student thinking about the drama work.  Journal entries can also provide you with formative assessment data.  They can reveal concepts that remain unclear and provide student perceptions about areas of challenge.
  • Performance Assessments:  Of course, paper and pencil assessments are insufficient for gauging student growth in drama.  In order to assess how students are using the knowledge and skills, three performance assessments have been included.  These have been piloted in other classrooms for validity, reliability, and fairness.  Scripts have been included to assist you.  The Fourth Grade Lesson Sequence suggests when each assessment should be given.
  • Fourth Grade Knowledge Assessment:  A summative assessment covering vocabulary and other basic knowledge is included for use at the end of the year, or whenever you think the students are ready.  Better yet, use it as a pre- and post-assessment to gauge learning.

4th Grade Drama Objectives & Standards
Fourth Grade Drama Objectives  Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for nine- to ten-year-old students.   This first PDF download above (appears below for subscribers) contains objectives used in our Fourth Grade Curriculum in a ...
4th Grade Lessons
Recommended Lesson Sequence for Fourth Grade  The lessons suggested for our Fourth Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit.  This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama ...
4th Grade Vocabulary
Vocabulary for the Fourth Grade  This PDF document contains definitions in student language for the vocabulary words listed in each lesson.  These classroom-tested definitions are used when introducing these concepts in the classroom.  Of course, many of the words here may have additional ...