Park Bench

Park Bench Lesson

Middle school can be a really hard time for students to feel connected to their bodies, but embodying physical choices is a key part of being an actor! We devised this lesson to give students in grades 6-8 a fun opportunity to practice using their bodies to portray emotions, reactions and create character. Given the prompt of being strangers on a park bench, students work together to create a three-person improvised drama.

Grade Level

  • 6th Grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade
  • 9th Grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade


  • 3 Drama Tools
  • Action/Reaction
  • Body
  • Body Gestures
  • Body-Level
  • Body-Line
  • Body-Shape
  • Collaboration
  • Dynamics
  • Emotions
  • Gesture
  • Imagination
  • Improvisation
  • Listening
  • Mood
  • Movement
  • Observation
  • Partner Work
  • Praising
  • Teamwork
  • Vocal & Nonvocal Sounds
  • Voice
  • Voice Expression


  • Action
  • Cause and Affect
  • Collaboration
  • Observation
  • Teamwork


  • Open