Back to Back

Back to Back (PDF)  This activity develops concentration and teamwork as a group.  During the motion, the participants will need to focus (concentration skill) and problem solve as a group.  It requires a signaling device (i.e. tambourine) or just a voice signal.

Human Jigsaw Sculpture

Human Jigsaw Sculpture (PDF)  This activity is designed to encourage cooperation and problem solving while working with Space.  It requires no additional materials.

Class Sculpture

Class Sculpture (PDF)  This activity is designed to encourage cooperation and collaboration.  It requires no additional materials.

Ice Wizard Story

The Ice Wizard story This story is about an Ice Wizard with an interactive component and a participant-generated ending.  We found that children are very engaged when acting out this story.  Using this story assists the leader in setting the basis for concentration and builds management control of the classroom. It can also be used in the Concentration … Read more