The Turtle Who Lived By The Pond Download
Integration Ideas: Cause and Affect|Conflict|Details|Living Things|Plot Sequence|Point of View|Pond Life|Problem Solving|Repetition|Self Esteem|Story Elements|Wishes
Concepts/Skills Taught: Animals|Character|Collaboration|Imagination|Repetition|Setting|Story Elements|Theme/Idea|Transformation
Room Arrangements:
SKU: 485
Category: Stories
The Turtle Who Lived By The Pond story
This story was written at the request of first and second grade teachers who were teaching a unit on Living Things. Following the story, students can compare and contrast the basic needs of living things: protective behaviors, coverings, touch, shelter, air, food, light and water.
This works with the skills of Collaboration, Imagination, Repetition, Story Elements: Character, Setting, Theme, and Transformation: Animals.