The Hare and Tortoise Lesson: Playing Animal Characters Download


Integration Ideas: Language Arts|Social/Emotional Learning|Story Elements
Concepts/Skills Taught: Character|Evaluation|Listening|Locomotor/Nonlocomotor|Movement|Praising|Space|Speaking Lines|Story Elements
Room Arrangements: Open

SKU: 918 Category:


The Hare and Tortoise Lesson: Playing Animal Characters

Overview: the students will learn how to play non-human characters.

Objectives:  students define and practice collaborative strategies; define the drama tools; define story elements.

Fables are a great way to combine all the drama skills into the first story they will play on their own.  The Tortoise and the Hare is familiar, short, and includes animal characters that even teens will play, adding their own sense of humor.  Student are introduced to locomotor and non-locomotor movement which will allow you to choose from a wider selection of stories in the future.

For older students there are some alternative stories you might consider:  How the Earth was Formed on Turtle's Back or The Legend of Big Skunk.  Both are challenging to upper grade students.

This is part of our Introductory Lessons that serve to prepare students or groups for integrated drama work.  When your class has completed our introductory lessons, move to the appropriate grade level drama curriculum.