The Greatest Show on Ice Lesson Download


Integration Ideas: Character Education|Story Elements
Concepts/Skills Taught: 3 Drama Tools|Collaboration|Planning|Practicing
Room Arrangements: Open

SKU: 3639 Category:


The Greatest Show on Ice Lesson:  Planning & Practicing

Objective: students apply collaborative and planning processes to create a drama.

Students hate to plan and revise their work.  This lesson helps students see the impact that planning and practicing have on a finished drama product.    In addition, the lesson further develops collaborative skills along with negotiating and revising work (part of the 2nd grade objectives).  The students use the actor’s tools (mind, body, voice) to create a simulated ice show.  We recommend assembling a variety of instrumental music for the ice dancing.  Students observe the ice show transforming from unorganized to synchronized execution following time to collaborate, plan, and practice.  This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the Second Grade Curriculum.