Randolph Lesson: Story Elements Download
Integration Ideas: Animals|Details|Environment|Habitats|Plot Sequence|Seasons|Story Elements|Teamwork|Visualizing
Concepts/Skills Taught: Character|Conflict|Setting|Solution|Story Elements
Room Arrangements: Open
Randolph Lesson: Story Elements
Objective: students explain elements that create a story.
Randolph is a bear who is not ready to hibernate, so he goes on a journey through his environment. This lesson takes students deeper into discussion about story elements as well as needs of living things – a great science connection. Students continue their discussion about audience and analyze story structure (part of the first grade objectives). We designed this lesson around the story of the same name -- download the Randolph story from the story library to complete the lesson. This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the First Grade Curriculum can also be used for Kindergarten.