Miss Nancy Lesson Download


Integration Ideas: Family|Historical Fiction|Narrative Writing|Social Studies|Social/Emotional Learning
Concepts/Skills Taught: Narrator|Storytelling Narration
Room Arrangements: Open

SKU: 4250 Category:


Miss Nancy Lesson: Working with Literature

Objective: students use drama to reflect on situations from real life.

This Life Drama uses written memoirs as inspiration for creating a drama that reflects situations in real life (part of the 4th grade objectives).  This lesson uses the poem “Alone in the Grange” by Gregory Harrison and “Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge” by Mem Fox.  Students work through an improvisational process where there is no pre-written story or pre-determined outcome.  They apply the practice of "no denial of creation" or saying “yes” to what others create as a way to support the drama and honor the imagination of others.  Students will present a memoir history through a tableau.  This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the Fourth Grade Curriculum.