Magic Carpet Lesson Download


Integration Ideas: Character Education|Dance|Geography|Imaging|Listening|Music|Personal Space|Poetry|Reality|Story Elements|Visual Art|Visualizing|Word Study
Concepts/Skills Taught: Concentration|Imagination|Imitation|Self Space|Transformation
Room Arrangements: Open

SKU: 3289 Category:


Magic Carpet Lesson: Reviewing C.I.T.I.

Objective: students demonstrate transformation in a drama activity.

Students ride on magic carpets and transform into the creatures and things they find on the way.  While learning to use the space of the classroom for story enactment, students take a journey looking for a lost item and return once again to the classroom.   Students practice cooperation skills (following directions, keeping personal space, refraining from causing distractions) which are part of the first grade objectives.  This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the First Grade Curriculum.