Lon Po Po Lesson Download


Integration Ideas: Character Education|Folk Tales|Language Arts|Multicultural|Story Elements|Teamwork
Concepts/Skills Taught: Character|Conflict|Narrator|Plot|Problem Solving|Setting|Solution|Story Elements
Room Arrangements: Open

SKU: 3878 Category:


Lon Po Po Lesson:  Conflict

Objective: students identify conflict, problem and resolution in a story while problem solving.

Lon Po Po by Ed Young is a Little Red Riding Hood story from another culture and beloved by children who play this as a full class drama.  The words Lon and Po Po mean wolf and grandmother respectively in Chinese. Students love playing the conflict and burying themselves in the blankets as the wolf knocks on the door.  You might want to take a role in this drama yourself!  For this lesson you need a basket, Gingko tree leaf (a handmade one is fine), wolf's paw, and a very large blanket or quilt as props.  Before starting this lesson, review our anonymous casting tips for choosing students to play different characters.    This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the Second Grade Curriculum.