Introducing the Five Senses Lesson Download


Integration Ideas: Dance|Evaluation|Music|Observation|Praising|Science|Social/Emotional Learning|Sounds|Visual Art
Concepts/Skills Taught: Concentration|Evaluation|Memory|Praising|Recall|Senses|The Five Senses
Room Arrangements: Circle|Open|Seated

SKU: 852 Category:


Introducing the Five Senses Lesson

Overview: the students will learn why actors need to know and use all 5 senses.

Objectives:  students name the four fine arts; demonstrate the five senses; evaluate self  and praise others.

The five senses are key to acting, visualizing literature, and understanding the world.  Often they are only addressed in kindergarten and then forgotten.  But sense memory is a powerful tool for navigating life and understanding stories.  In this lesson students participate in many activities having to do with sense memory.  A delightful story, The Queen Bee's Dilemma, can be used as a culminating story combining all of the senses.  This is part of our Introductory Lessons that serve to prepare students or groups for integrated drama work.  When your class has completed our introductory lessons, move to the appropriate grade level drama curriculum.