4th Grade Lessons Download


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SKU: 3804 Category:


Recommended Lesson Sequence for Fourth Grade 

The lessons suggested for our Fourth Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit.  This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama teaching based on the lessons in this guide.  This sequence is not a mandate; rather, it is intended to provide you with assistance as you select the lessons for your classroom.

NOTE: this sequence is for classes with PRIOR drama instruction.  For classes without prior experience, begin with our foundational Introductory Lessons.  If teachers, in grades that precede yours, are already teaching drama, you don’t need to teach those foundational lessons, just begin with this new set of lessons.

September1.    How to Analyze Drama1
2.    The Chase: Using Space1
3.    Prop Story1
October4.    The Tornado: Creating Objects & Characters2
5.    Haunted House: Audience Impact3
6.    Rabbit, Elephant, Whale: Observation & Personification2, 6
November7.    Emotion Lesson Part 1: Communicating Emotions4
8.    Emotion Lesson Part II: Emotion Stories4
9.    Emotions & History4, 5
DecemberPerformance Assessment: "Emotion Scenes"
10. Little Wolf’s Ginger Root: Exploring the Past Through Drama5, 11
11. Objects Walk and Talk: Personification6, 7
January12.  Making Machines7, 12, 13
13.  Crossing the Road: Conflicts8, 9
14.  Trouble with the Machines: Man vs. Technology8, 9
February15.  The Sleeping Lion: Adding Sound7, 8, 13
16.  My Room: Creating Setting9
Performance Assessment: Digging a Hole
March17.  Westward Ho!: A Life Drama11
18.  Westward Ho!: Dealing with Conflicts9,11
19.  Westward Ho!: Taking Risks9,11
April20.  Piasa Bird (Part 1): Exploring Visual Elements13
21.  Piasa Bird (Part 2): Adding Narration10
22.  Miss Nancy: Working with Literature11
May23.  Body Systems (Part 1): Working with Science11
24.  Body Systems (Part 2): Working with Science11,13
Performance Assessment: The Well
JuneKnowledge Assessment
Student Self-Reflection

4th Grade Drama Objectives & Standards
Fourth Grade Drama Objectives  Drama Objectives Alignment to National Standards These objectives cover essential learning in the art form for nine- to ten-year-old students.   This first PDF download above (appears below for subscribers) contains objectives used in our Fourth Grade Curriculum in a ...
4th Grade Lessons
Recommended Lesson Sequence for Fourth Grade  The lessons suggested for our Fourth Grade Curriculum are put in a recommended delivery order below, but you may revise, rearrange, and adapt as you see fit.  This year-long planning guide maps a year of drama ...
4th Grade Vocabulary
Vocabulary for the Fourth Grade  This PDF document contains definitions in student language for the vocabulary words listed in each lesson.  These classroom-tested definitions are used when introducing these concepts in the classroom.  Of course, many of the words here may have additional ...