Statue Maker with Nursery Rhymes Lesson

Statue Maker with Nursery Rhymes Lesson

Objectives: Students demonstrate collaborative skills and use the body to communicate ideas.

Letting students think creatively and abstractly as they work with a partner is at the heart of this lesson. Students mold partners into ideas that complete a reimagining of famous nursery rhymes like “Jack and Jill” or “Three Blind Mice.” They will also learn useful negotiation strategies that provide a foundation for future partner and group work including the "ask, don't tell" principle. This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the Fifth Grade Curriculum.

Fifth Grade Drama Journal: Statue Maker with Nursery Rhymes

To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to use as reflection or formative assessment. For each lesson in the curriculum, we have created a corresponding journal page for your students. A drama journal allows participants to reflect on their learning and artistic growth (metacognition). It also allows you, the teacher, to see how students are using the drama vocabulary, thinking about big ideas, and perceiving their own strengths and weaknesses. If you use the journal for assessment and would like more assessment tools, visit our Fifth Grade Curriculum

Grade Level


  • Collaboration
  • Cooperation


  • Literature
  • Negotiation
  • Social/Emotional Learning


  • Circle
  • Open