Hermit Monster Lesson

Hermit Monster Lesson: Playing Emotions

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Objective: students identify how emotions are used to tell a story.

Hermit Monster is small and frightened and becomes large and angry. Other characters in the story go through emotions as well. Friendship saves the day rather than anger or fear. The students identify simple emotions and use the body with those emotions to tell the story (part of the first grade objectives). This lesson uses the activity Pass the Emotion as a warm-up: download it from the activity library to complete the lesson. This lesson is part of our recommended sequence in the First Grade Curriculum and can also be used for Kindergarten.

First Grade Drama Journal: Hermit Monster

To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to use as reflection or formative assessment. For each lesson in the curriculum, we have created a corresponding journal page for your students. A drama journal allows participants to reflect on their learning and artistic growth (metacognition). It also allows you, the teacher, to see how students are using the drama vocabulary, thinking about big ideas, and perceiving their own strengths and weaknesses. If you use the journal for assessment and would like more assessment tools, visit our First Grade Curriculum

Grade Level

  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade


  • Emotions
  • Imitation


  • Character Education
  • Emotions
  • Plot Sequence
  • Story Elements
  • Teamwork


  • Open