Building Vocabulary Through Drama Lesson

Building Vocabulary Through Drama Lesson Building Vocabulary Through Drama Rubric This lesson gets participants of all ages loving words and thinking of them as colorful ways to communicate their ideas. So put those worksheets and spelling tests down for time to have students build a relationship with words in a new way! Participants work in … Read more

Emotion Story Lesson

Emotion Story Lesson

Emotion Story Lesson Objective: students communicate emotions through physical movement, facial expression, and posture. Playing emotions is at the heart of becoming a character and this lesson assists in building that skill. Students first imitate simple actions to communicate emotions as others try to identify which emotion they have chosen (part of the second grade … Read more

Magic Carpet Lesson

Magic Carpet Lesson

Magic Carpet Lesson: Reviewing C.I.T.I. Objective: students demonstrate transformation in a drama activity. Students ride on magic carpets and transform into the creatures and things they find on the way.  While learning to use the space of the classroom for story enactment, students take a journey looking for a lost item and return once again to … Read more

Peanut Butter & Jelly Lesson

Peanut Butter & Jelly Lesson

Peanut Butter & Jelly Lesson: Transformation and Imitation  Objective: students demonstrate transformation and imitation skills to communicate ideas. Working with vocabulary words, students learn to express multiple meanings and images of words through the use of physical transformation and imitation (part of the first grade objectives).   In addition, students have to demonstrate cooperation with you and … Read more

Word Pictures

Word Pictures activity  This drama activity has participants working in 4 groups and requires a list of vocabulary words to create a tableaux.  This works with the skills of Movement, Body, Imagination, Aesthetics, Collaboration, Observation, and Communication.

Concentration and Partner Work Lesson

Concentration and Partner Work Lesson: Statue Maker Overview: students explore the role of the mind in drama. Objectives: students evaluate self and praise others; define the 5 key vocabulary words (imagination, imitation, transformation, concentration, and collaboration); practice self-management; demonstrate collaborative strategies Freeze!  How long can students stay frozen?  Can they hold still for a partner, … Read more