The Magic Closet Lesson

The Magic Closet Lesson Imagination and writing with descriptive detail are the focus of this magical adventure.  Students enter a closet owned by someone they create in their imagination, but soon find the closet holds secrets even more astounding.  Students work with a partner to act, describe, and then write about their journey into the … Read more

Food Poem

Food Poem Is the narrator a picky eater, or are they being served green mold on a silver platter? This poem tells the hilarious tale of the trials and tribulations of mealtime. Students in grades 1-7 can practice playwriting skills, dialogue, transformation, and/or using the five senses. Language Arts can be integrated by introducing inferred … Read more

Object Box Activity

Object Box Activity If your students enjoy charades, they will love this fun and challenging exercise. Using their five senses, participants enact the qualities of everyday objects. This activity requires one small item for each participant and one large box for the class. 

Nature Rhythm Walk Activity

Nature Rhythm Walk Activity Are you looking for an activity that gets students moving? In this exercise, participants move around the room based on an object from nature. Integration possibilities include units on biology or literature. Access to natural objects from the outdoors is required.

The Dragon Hunt Lesson

The Dragon Hunt Lesson Objective: students add concentration to their use of imagination with the five senses. What child doesn’t dream of searching for dragons?  Building on the previous Magic Carpet lesson, you will guide the children in their hunt as they use their imagination and the five senses in their search (part of the … Read more

The Magic Carpet Lesson

The Magic Carpet Lesson Objective: students use their imagination and experiment with the five senses to take a magic carpet ride. Young children revel in using their senses to explore the world around them.  This lesson gives them the opportunity to use their imagination and the five senses to create a drama.  You will guide … Read more

Intro to the Five Senses Lesson

Intro to the Five Senses Lesson Objective: students demonstrate imagination and experiment with the five senses. Sometimes actors need to convey certain sensory elements (seeing, tasting, hearing, etc).  This lesson gives students practice in using and expressing their five senses while imagining typical experience in everyday life (part of the kindergarten objectives).  No additional materials … Read more

The Fire Lesson

The Fire Lesson  Objective: students demonstrate sensory (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) recall in a drama.  Students identify similarities among art forms. Students become fire, fight fire, and practice fire prevention all through the safety of drama. This lesson introduces students to sensory (touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound) recall and personification (part of the third … Read more

The Well

The Well story This story is designed to be played by a group of 4, but it can be told with any number of students.  In this story, students learn to identify and imitate emotions such as pride, silliness, anger, fear, frustration, joy, and shock.

Zookeeper Solves a Problem Lesson

Zookeeper Solves a Problem Lesson

Zookeeper Solves a Problem Lesson: Using Voice Objective: students use vocal and non-vocal sounds to create a drama. Students revel in making sounds with their voice, body, and other objects. This lesson gives them the opportunity to experiment with sound and the five senses to create a drama (part of the second grade objectives). Beginning with … Read more