Halloween Night Poem

Halloween Night Poem Witches, goblins and ghosts… oh my! This spooky Halloween-themed adventure provides the perfect opportunity for students in grades 2-6 to practice transformation, collaboration and creating sound effects. You may also integrate Language Arts into this lesson by discussing how these factors can help create a setting. We have included some step-by-step delivery … Read more

Creating Mood

Creating Mood Lesson Creating mood effectively is one of the most important lessons young actors can learn. In this lesson, students can practice using their imagination and concentration skills to create mood for a variety of different scenarios. This lesson gives students a chance to hone their ability to imagine their given circumstances, while using … Read more

Making Machines Lesson

Making Machines Lesson Objective: students learn how actors and directors work together. In this lesson, fourth grade students will practice building collaborative machines while taking turns as an actor and director (part of the fourth grade objectives). Students will gain a better understanding of the roles of actors and directors through practical experience. This lesson … Read more

Zookeeper Solves a Problem Lesson

Zookeeper Solves a Problem Lesson

Zookeeper Solves a Problem Lesson: Using Voice Objective: students use vocal and non-vocal sounds to create a drama. Students revel in making sounds with their voice, body, and other objects. This lesson gives them the opportunity to experiment with sound and the five senses to create a drama (part of the second grade objectives). Beginning with … Read more

Three Drama Skill Words Lesson

Three Drama Skill Words Lesson

Three Drama Skill Words Lesson Objective: students define drama and practice skills (concentration, imagination, transformation, imitation – C.I.T.I.) needed for a drama. Students have fun with concentration and imagination exercises, both of which are important for integrated drama work. This is a great beginning of the year lesson for second grade students with prior drama experience.* … Read more

The Haunted House story

The Haunted House story  This story can be used with the Body Objects Lesson.  The students work in groups and part of the activity is to identify different emotions from the story.

The Zookeeper Solves a Problem

The Zookeeper Solves a Problem story Participants, working in groups of four or five, plan and play out this story incorporating sound and dance.  Have them use their voices, musical instruments, or found objects to create the sounds.

The Sleeping Lion

The Sleeping Lion story This story is for a group of four.  Do a warm-up teaching “sounds.”   This story can be used to stress the importance of sound in a drama–kids will enjoy personifying the creatures of the jungle.  Some groups can make sounds with voices only, some with musical instruments only, some with … Read more

Cubby Finds a Home

Cubby Finds a Home story This is an interactive story with the children creating the sounds or actions of the bold words.  Before you use this story, you should do a warm-up activity with sounds and sound effects.  It works with the skills for Concentration, Imagination, Repetition, The 5 Senses, Sounds: Vocal & Nonvocal, and Story … Read more