The Story of Rabbit, Elephant, and Whale

The Story of Rabbit, Elephant, and Whale  In this story, the rabbit outsmarts the elephant and the whale, both of which use their physical size against the rabbit.  Students like to act out the different parts in this story as they learn that sometimes being wise can counter physical size.  This story is also designed … Read more

The Dragon Kite

The Dragon Kite story  Use this story to discuss cooperation, friendship, and making choices as they relate to the story and real life situations.  This story works well with the Kite Activity.

The Legend of Big Skunk

The Legend of Big Skunk story  This Native American folktale can be adapted to many subjects.  This story can be enacted as a two character partner story or used as an alternate story with the Hare & Tortoise Lesson.

Little Wolf’s Ginger Root

Little Wolf’s Ginger Root story  This Native American story about bravery and choices is connected to other academic areas as well as social/emotional learning.

Alfredo and the Sea

Alfredo and the Sea story  This story has a focus around dreams and can be used for working with concentration.  Participants can either work with partners and play the story as you narrate or have them plan and practice their presentation.  Review or introduce working with a partner using the Partner Work Lesson as a … Read more

The Old Statue Maker

The Old Statue Maker story  This is a story that works with the idea of friendships.  You can use this as a warm-up: have the students enact this story in movement only as you tell it.  It works with the skills of Imagination, Playwriting, and Story Elements: Theme.

Sydney and Jojo

Sydney and Jojo story This story was written for third graders in an inner city Chicago Public school.  In the inner city, it is important for brothers and sisters to look after one another because the parents are sometimes absent from their lives–the story works with that narrative.  This drama story targets the concepts and … Read more

The Apple

The Apple story This is a story with an ant and a grasshopper with a focus on how self-esteem, cooperation, and problem solving in this story reflect real life situations.  You can warmup with the actions and movements of the characters.  This story works with the skills of Imagination, Movement, Speaking/ Dialogue, and Transformation: Animals.

The Ghost Who Couldn’t Scare

The Ghost Who Couldn’t Scare story This story was inspired by an old railroad car and tracks I saw for years sitting on the prairie as I drove to visit my parents in Western Illinois.  Weeds grew up around that railroad car and I’m sure people had forgotten all about it.  This is the story … Read more