An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem Students will love this globe-trotting poem, packed with action and humor! The narrator wants to run away but can’t decide where to go: Tokyo or the Midwest? Timbuktu or the Florida Keys? In this exciting adventure for grades 2-6, students could practice transformation, narrator skills, body objects, and settings. Additionally, … Read more

The Snowman Lesson

The Snowman Lesson Objective: students use the three tools (body, mind, voice) in drama. This lesson dovetails in nicely with typical winter theme and related classroom activities.  Students will hear the Snowman story (included) and act out the snowman’s quest using the drama tools (part of the kindergarten objectives).   They will work both alone and … Read more

Tornado Lesson

tornado lesson

Tornado Lesson: Creating Objects & Characters Objective: students will learn how to use their bodies to create detailed objects and characters. This lesson for fourth grade students focuses on using acting skills to to create human, animal, and personified objects/characters. This lesson uses still images and videos of tornadoes (not provided). It may be useful to review … Read more

Cubby Finds a Home Lesson

Cubby Finds a Home Lesson

Cubby Finds a Home Lesson: Communicating with Voice Objective: students use the voice to communicate a story. This winter story has a surprise ending.  Students infer, make guesses, and put clues together to figure out who Cubby is and where he needs to live for the winter.   Students add sound effects with the voice for the … Read more

Randolph Lesson: Story Elements

Randolph Lesson: Story Elements

Randolph Lesson: Story Elements Objective: students explain elements that create a story. Randolph is a bear who is not ready to hibernate, so he goes on a journey through his environment. This lesson takes students deeper into discussion about story elements as well as needs of living things – a great science connection. Students continue … Read more

Cubby Finds a Home

Cubby Finds a Home story This is an interactive story with the children creating the sounds or actions of the bold words.  Before you use this story, you should do a warm-up activity with sounds and sound effects.  It works with the skills for Concentration, Imagination, Repetition, The 5 Senses, Sounds: Vocal & Nonvocal, and Story … Read more


Randolph story You can integrate this story with animal homes, animal habitats, and the winter season.  It can also be used in groups of four to act out the story.  More details can be found within the PDF. This works with the skills of Collaboration, Imagination, Repetition, and Story Elements: Setting.