Flossie and the Fox Lesson

Flossie and the Fox Lesson Help students hone their storytelling skills with this clever and delightful tale! With this lesson, students in grades 3-4 can practice using their primary drama tools – mind, body and voice- while learning how to use additional support tools such as props, lighting or sound effects. This exciting story provides … Read more

Civil War Drama Lesson

Civil War Drama Lesson Drama is a great way to engage students with historical events by encouraging them to think deeply about point of view. In this lesson, designed for grades 4-8, students will practice concentration, collaboration, and transformation while using Body Objects to communicate different settings. This lesson encourages students to think about point … Read more

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem

  An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem  Students will love this globe-trotting poem, packed with action and humor! The narrator wants to run away but can’t decide where to go: Tokyo or the Midwest? Timbuktu or the Florida Keys? In this exciting adventure for grades 2-6, students could practice transformation, narrator skills, body objects, and settings. … Read more

Bon Voyage Poem

Bon Voyage Poem Have you ever gotten so fed up with your family that you just wanted to mail them away? In this hilarious poem, perfect for grades 2-6, the narrator mails family members to far off places—fromNebraska to Alaska, from the zoo to Peru! Students can practice body objects and transformation skills. Additionally, there … Read more

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem Students will love this globe-trotting poem, packed with action and humor! The narrator wants to run away but can’t decide where to go: Tokyo or the Midwest? Timbuktu or the Florida Keys? In this exciting adventure for grades 2-6, students could practice transformation, narrator skills, body objects, and settings. Additionally, … Read more

Rodeo Stars Lesson

Rodeo Stars Lesson: The Three P’s  Objective: students demonstrate the planning process needed to create a drama. Students create a rodeo (e.g. bull roping, pig catching, clowning, elegant horse riders) with no practicing time as a team; the rodeo is a struggle. As they reflect on the process, they discover the need to plan and practice … Read more

Trip Across America

Trip Across America story  This story can be used in a year-long plan in many steps.  It can be used multiple times with different regions of the US and  helps reinforce drama skills.  We provide a six-step guide in the PDF to assist you.

Sydney and Jojo

Sydney and Jojo story This story was written for third graders in an inner city Chicago Public school.  In the inner city, it is important for brothers and sisters to look after one another because the parents are sometimes absent from their lives–the story works with that narrative.  This drama story targets the concepts and … Read more