Integration Idea: Point of View
Civil War Drama Lesson
Civil War Drama Lesson Drama is a great way to engage students with historical events by encouraging them to think deeply about point of view. In this lesson, designed for grades 4-8, students will practice concentration, collaboration, and transformation while using Body Objects to communicate different settings. This lesson encourages students to think about point … Read more
Tales Retold
Tales Retold Story Is the Wicked Witch really so wicked? What did the Big Bad Wolf do that was so bad? Is Prince Charming’s life not quite as charmed as we thought? Students in grades 3-8 will love this hilarious retelling of classic fairy tales. With plenty of active roles available, this piece is a … Read more
Objects Walk & Talk Lesson
Objects Walk & Talk Lesson: Personification Objective: students will learn how observation and sound create characters. This lesson focuses students on transformation with observation to create a drama (part of the fourth grade objectives). Students will observe physical items (list included) and personify them using body objects. If students haven’t learned or don’t remember body objects, … Read more
The Story of Rabbit, Elephant, and Whale
The Story of Rabbit, Elephant, and Whale In this story, the rabbit outsmarts the elephant and the whale, both of which use their physical size against the rabbit. Students like to act out the different parts in this story as they learn that sometimes being wise can counter physical size. This story is also designed … Read more
The Fire Lesson
The Fire Lesson Objective: students demonstrate sensory (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) recall in a drama. Students identify similarities among art forms. Students become fire, fight fire, and practice fire prevention all through the safety of drama. This lesson introduces students to sensory (touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound) recall and personification (part of the third … Read more
The Three Sillies Lesson
The Three Sillies Lesson: Using Narration Objective: students demonstrate narrative storytelling skills. Jack is on a quest to find three very silly people. This famous and quite funny folk tale delights students of all ages. The lesson introduces three different styles of narrator voice and how the choice of style affects the dramatic impact (part of … Read more
The Boy Who Couldn’t Multiply
The Boy Who Couldn’t Multiply story This lesson is integrated with math, specifically multiplication.
The Legend of Big Skunk
The Legend of Big Skunk story This Native American folktale can be adapted to many subjects. This story can be enacted as a two character partner story or used as an alternate story with the Hare & Tortoise Lesson.
The Vision Quest
The Vision Quest story Brave Shadow heads on a vision quest to find is courage. Little does he know it is in his heart. This story is perfect in the body objects lesson and introduces students to life as a young Native American on the North American continent.