Integration Idea: Physical Education
Hat or No Hat Poem
Hat or No Hat Poem To Hat or Not to Hat? That is the question… This poem deals with the age-old conflict between parents and children over whether to wear a hat in cold weather. Students in grades K-1 can practice imitation skills with this piece, while students in grades 2-4 may work on integrating … Read more
Zip Zap Zop Activity
Zip Zap Zop Activity In this classic drama game, participants send energy around the circle while working on concentration, listening, and teamwork. Challenge your students to see how fast they can get!
Yes, No, and Fruit Salad Activity
Yes, No, and Fruit Salad Activity In this lively game, participants attempt to change spots in a circle without getting stuck in the center! This is an excellent activity for practicing concentration and listening skills.
Walking Activity
Walking Activity Participants, working on concentration and imitation, imagine walking on different substances. This activity is useful for integration with physical education and dance.
Walking Through Space Activity
Walking Through Space Activity This exercise will engage your students’ bodies and imaginations! As participants walk around the room, they will explore how different body parts and different environments affect their movements.
Tug of War Activity
Tug of War Activity This is just like tug of war in real life, but without a rope! Participants will practice action/reaction, concentration, imitation, and collaboration while having a lot of imaginary fun!
Team Juggling Activity
Team Juggling Activity Participants must use concentration, teamwork, and listening to keep a set of balls in the air! You will need at least ten balls, beanbags, or socks. Team Juggling Journal Grade 6 To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to use as reflection or formative assessment. For this activity, we … Read more
Tap Tap Activity
Tap Tap Activity In this fun and competitive game, participants try to escape the center of a circle. You will need a roll of paper, and each student will need a chair.
String Pull Activity
String Pull Activity Following the directions of a leader, participants imagine being pulled by strings that affect different parts of their bodies. This is a great activity to connect with physical education or language arts!