Introducing Transformation and Predicting: The Gingerbread Man Lesson

Introducing Transformation and Predicting: The Gingerbread Man Lesson Using the beloved story of The Gingerbread Man students not only learn to transform into characters and imitate the actions of those characters, they also have many opportunities to predict and revise as they enact the story with you and their classmates. Introducing Transformation and Predicting: The … Read more

Community Helpers Lesson

Community Helpers Lesson How can group juggling teach students the importance of community? This lesson provides a fun and effective way to teach students in grades 1-2 about how every individual plays a crucial role in their community. Starting with a game of “Team Juggling,” this lesson will also guide you and your class through … Read more

Blackout: Creating Atmosphere Lesson

Blackout: Creating Atmosphere Lesson Centered around the Caldecott Honor Book “Blackout” by John Rocco, this lesson provides rich opportunities for actors to practice using their voices and bodies to create atmosphere. Students in grades 4-6 may work together in pairs or small groups, practicing negotiation and collaboration skills as they imitate the activities of the … Read more

Two Character Dialogue Lesson

Two Character Dialogue Lesson Are your students ready to create their own scenes? Building upon our One Person Monologue Lesson, this lesson guides students through collaborating with their peers to create their own original dialogues. Students can continue to work on playwriting, directing and performance skills, while learning how to give constructive feedback to their … Read more

One Person Monologue Lesson

One Person Monologue Lesson Give students the opportunity to write, act and direct, all in one lesson! Ideal for sixth through eighth graders with prior drama experience, this lesson guides students through creating, directing, and performing an original monologue in groups of three. Students can hone their collaboration skills, drama tools and practice giving constructive … Read more

Creating Mood

Creating Mood Lesson Creating mood effectively is one of the most important lessons young actors can learn. In this lesson, students can practice using their imagination and concentration skills to create mood for a variety of different scenarios. This lesson gives students a chance to hone their ability to imagine their given circumstances, while using … Read more

Paper Bag Charades

Paper Bag Charades Lesson Improv can be intimidating at first, so it’s important to give students support tools and structure as they’re learning it! In this lesson, challenge students to use three mystery props as they work together to create an exciting group drama. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to practice collaboration, utilizing … Read more

Park Bench

Park Bench Lesson Middle school can be a really hard time for students to feel connected to their bodies, but embodying physical choices is a key part of being an actor! We devised this lesson to give students in grades 6-8 a fun opportunity to practice using their bodies to portray emotions, reactions and create … Read more

Animal Shapes Story Lesson

Animal Shapes Story Lesson There’s no better way to get students engaged and in their bodies than animal work! In this lesson, students can practice imitating and transforming into a variety of animal characters.  You may choose to have your students move on to crafting Animal Stories, giving them the chance to explore how physical … Read more

Truth on Stage Activity

Truth on Stage Activity This activity is designed to introduce believable action. Groups of participants observe each other and discuss how believability and concentration affect a scene.