How the World Was Formed on Turtle’s Back Lesson

How the World Was Formed on Turtle’s Back Lesson “How the World Was Formed on Turtle’s Back” is an Onondaga creation story that features a team of vibrant animal characters who work together to save a young woman’s life and create the world as we know it. This lesson provides numerous opportunities for students to … Read more

Lon Po Po Lesson

Lon Po Po Lesson

Lon Po Po Lesson: Conflict Objective: students identify conflict, problem and resolution in a story while problem solving. Lon Po Po by Ed Young is a Little Red Riding Hood story from another culture and is beloved by children who play this as a full class drama. The words Lon and Po Po mean wolf … Read more

The Dragon Kite

The Dragon Kite story  Use this story to discuss cooperation, friendship, and making choices as they relate to the story and real life situations.  This story works well with the Kite Activity.

A Donkey Tale

A Donkey Tale story  This is a two character story.  The focus can be on imitative action, action/reaction, conflict, human and animal characterizations, emotions, or the impact of setting on character actions.  It integrates well with multicultural studies, the teaching of Africa, or habitats.

The Vision Quest

The Vision Quest story Brave Shadow heads on a vision quest to find is courage.  Little does he know it is in his heart.  This story is perfect in the body objects lesson and introduces students to life as a young Native American on the North American continent.

Little Wolf’s Ginger Root

Little Wolf’s Ginger Root story  This Native American story about bravery and choices is connected to other academic areas as well as social/emotional learning.

Baby Tar Rabbit

Baby Tar Rabbit story  This story is for small groups of 3-4 and is adapted from Joel Chandler Harris’s Uncle Remus. Participants can enact both animal characters and body objects.  If you tell the story in a slight dialect, the students might be interested in using that dialect in their drama, but it is not … Read more

The First Woodpecker

The First Woodpecker story  This story can be done in partners or groups of various sizes.  Larger groups should be comfortable with body objects and/ or using a narrator.  Use a warm-up discussing ways a fantasy character might cast a spell.  Or, you can use a warm-up focusing on physically transforming from one character to … Read more

Sydney and Jojo

Sydney and Jojo story This story was written for third graders in an inner city Chicago Public school.  In the inner city, it is important for brothers and sisters to look after one another because the parents are sometimes absent from their lives–the story works with that narrative.  This drama story targets the concepts and … Read more

The Sacred Scarab Root

The Sacred Scarab Root story This original story was written specifically for use in drama focusing on the concepts of Balance, Imagination, Cultural/Multicultural, Narrator/Storytelling, Repetition, Story Elements: Character, Conflict, Plot, Setting, Theme/Idea, and Transformation: Human Characters. It can also be used in the Body Objects Lesson if you are just getting started with drama.  A little background … Read more