Animals and Their Homes Lesson

Animals and Their Homes Lesson What are the parallels between the ways we work together in drama and how parts of a habitat work together to sustain animal life? In this lesson, students in grades 3-5 can work together to create animal statues, and eventually create full habitats with only their bodies.  Students will have … Read more

Habitats, Needs of Living Things, and Body Details Lesson

Habitats, Needs of Living Things, and Body Details Lesson How can we keep students fully engaged through complex subject matter? Ask them to engage their bodies as well as their minds! This exciting lesson integrates Drama with Language Arts and Science by asking students to create habitats and settings using only their bodies. It also … Read more

The Little Hole

The Little Hole story  Based on science, this story is a key component to the Transformation in Landforms unit.  How do little holes become large islands?  You can also use this story with upper grades to show how writers might make a drama of landform transformations

The Mountain

The Mountain story  This works well in a body objects lesson for groups of four to five.  See the introductory lesson under Getting Started on  There are words in bold for students to create objects with their bodies.  Use this story to work with the skills of Collaboration, Imagination, and Personification. This story can also be … Read more