Magic Carpet Lesson

Magic Carpet Lesson

Magic Carpet Lesson: Reviewing C.I.T.I. Objective: students demonstrate transformation in a drama activity. Students ride on magic carpets and transform into the creatures and things they find on the way.  While learning to use the space of the classroom for story enactment, students take a journey looking for a lost item and return once again to … Read more

Peanut Butter & Jelly Lesson

Peanut Butter & Jelly Lesson

Peanut Butter & Jelly Lesson: Transformation and Imitation  Objective: students demonstrate transformation and imitation skills to communicate ideas. Working with vocabulary words, students learn to express multiple meanings and images of words through the use of physical transformation and imitation (part of the first grade objectives).   In addition, students have to demonstrate cooperation with you and … Read more

The Ice Wizard Lesson

The Ice Wizard Lesson

The Ice Wizard Lesson: Concentration  Objective: students demonstrate concentration, following directions, maintaining personal space and using positive non-distracting behaviors. Students love the freeze activity where they can demonstrate the skill of concentration; they often beg to repeat it over and over.  This lesson ends with the story of a mean wizard who can only be … Read more

Pass the Imaginary Object Lesson

pass the imaginary object

Pass the Imaginary Object Lesson: The Drama Skills Objective: students demonstrate the skills needed to act out stories. The skills of imagination and concentration are central to this first lesson as students work with imaginary objects, imitating and transforming them through play (part of the first grade objectives).  This introductory lesson is fun for you and … Read more

Advanced Patty Cake

Advanced Patty Cake activity  In this activity, the participants work in pairs or small groups on a complex sequence of patty cake that gets reflected back for their partner.

Circle Claps

Circle Claps activity  This activity came from a Russian arts education specialist.  Russians use a great deal of sound and rhythm in their work.  It makes a great warm-up.  You can have the group create their own variation to this game.

Heigh Ho

Heigh Ho activity  Based on the well-known song (or others can be used as well) to make it easier for students, the activity encourages group cooperation.  A catchy beat will make it easier to follow along.  The participants will focus on the skills of teamwork, keeping the beat, and concentration.  This also develops their social emotional learning.

Lumi Sticks

Lumi Sticks activity  This activity has participants working in pairs creating rhythms with a set of sticks or rods.  Ideas are rhythms are provided and you will need to find a pair of sticks per person in the group.

Man Made Rhythm

Man Made Rhythm activity  In this activity, each participant thinks of a particular man-made object to act out with a concentration on movement.  This activity focuses on the body of the 3 drama skills (body, mind, voice).

Nature Rhythm

Nature Rhythm activity  In this activity, the participants need to imagine a nature item that the group or teacher tries to guess.  No other materials are needed.