Laughing Poem

Laughing Poem This seemingly silly poem contains an important message about Anti-Bullying. Short and simple, this poem is a great way for students in grades K-3 to practice imitation, emotions, and collaboration skills. You may also integrate Character Education by discussing the poem’s Anti-Bullying message. We have included some step-by-step delivery instructions to help you … Read more

Charlene Poem

Charlene Poem This bully picked on the wrong kid! In this whimsical poem, the narrator reduces their classroom bully to a single ear. Students in grades 2-5 may use this poem to practice Action/Reaction, Problem-Solving and Transformation skills. Additionally, you may choose to integrate Character Education with a discussion of Anti-Bullying strategies. We have also … Read more

Inferencing and Questioning in “The Daydreamer” Lesson

Inferencing and Questioning in “The Daydreamer” Lesson Inferencing and Questioning in “The Daydreamer” Rubric Want a way to get students to make inferences and ask questions about a text while addressing bullying issues? This lesson for fourth through eighth graders is the first in a series that makes up a longer unit based on McEwan’s … Read more

Planning and Practicing: Why Frog and Snake Don’t Play Together Anymore

Frog & Snake Lesson

Frog & Snake Lesson:  Reviewing the Three Tools & Three P’s Objective: students combine the tools of drama (body, mind, voice) with the processes of planning and practicing to create a drama. Students play animal characters and speak dialogue in this tale of friendship and prejudice. Students develop more experience in planning, practicing and presenting … Read more

The Vegetable Garden Lesson

The Vegetable Garden Lesson

The Vegetable Garden Lesson: Creating Characters  Objective: students compare actions of characters to real life behaviors and demonstrate how the body and voice are used to create character. A vegetable garden and a vineyard vie for attention in this story of a farmer who forgets the produce that has supported him for so long. This … Read more

Ghost Who Couldn’t Scare Lesson

Ghost Who Couldn't Scare Lesson

Ghost Who Couldn’t Scare Lesson: Audience Behaviors Objective: students analyze how audiences or viewers make drama better. This story about a ghost who wants to learn to scare people focuses on friendship and the unpleasantness of being a bully.   Students discuss audience behaviors that support live presentations and how respectfully responding to the work of … Read more