What is Arts Integration and Why Is it Still Crucial?

James Bond Car - Curriculum Integration

Part 1: What is Arts Integration exactly? And what is NOT Arts Integration?  Curriculum Integration has been a buzzword for educators for the past few decades. But what does it actually mean? What does it entail from an individual educator’s perspective? And what are tangible benefits of teaching through an integrated curriculum?  We can start … Read more

Working with Vocabulary and the Drama Tools: Words in Motion Lesson

Working with Vocabulary and the Drama Tools: Words in Motion Lesson Writers and actors of all ages need to love words. This simple, quick, and fun circle drama activity brings words alive through the use of imagination and physical movement. With an emphasis on shape, level, gesture, and facial expression, actors communicate their ideas about … Read more

Baking a Cake Lesson

Baking a Cake Lesson What’s more fun than baking a cake? You can skip the mess and use this lesson instead! By acting out the steps it takes to bake a cake, students can practice creating complex physical settings with one another. Students may practice collaboration, imitation, creating body objects and problem solving. There is … Read more

Plot Boosters

Plot Boosters Use this list of plot boosters to develop original stories for your drama work! These ideas can support the plot by moving the story along, giving the reader/viewer new information, showing character changes, foreshadowing, providing irony, creating cause and effect, and supporting the message and/or theme of the story. 

Building Vocabulary Through Drama Lesson

Building Vocabulary Through Drama Lesson Building Vocabulary Through Drama Rubric This lesson gets participants of all ages loving words and thinking of them as colorful ways to communicate their ideas. So put those worksheets and spelling tests down for time to have students build a relationship with words in a new way! Participants work in … Read more

Zip Zap Zop Activity

Zip Zap Zop Activity In this classic drama game, participants send energy around the circle while working on concentration, listening, and teamwork. Challenge your students to see how fast they can get!

Yes, No, and Fruit Salad Activity

Yes, No, and Fruit Salad Activity In this lively game, participants attempt to change spots in a circle without getting stuck in the center! This is an excellent activity for practicing concentration and listening skills.  

Yes It Is! Activity

Yes It Is! Activity Participants transform everyday objects into new objects. This fast-paced relay will encourage your students to build imagination and imitation skills!  Yes It Is! Journal Grade 6 and Up To maximize student achievement, download this drama journal for students to use as reflection or formative assessment. For this activity, we have created … Read more

Working with Props II Activity

Working with Props II Activity Following on Working with Props I, participants will work in small groups to create scenes with props. You will need at least one paper bag and three objects for each group.