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Motivation IV Activity
Motivation IV Activity Building on the Motivation I, Motivation II, and Motivation III activities, this exercise encourages participants to expand their improvisation and imagination skills. Given simple actions, participants must demonstrate a variety of motivations. We provide suggestions for effective actions to use in your class. This activity is the fourth in a Motivation series … Read more
December 7, 2020
Motivation III Activity
Motivation III Activity Building on the Motivation I and Motivation II activities, participants now learn how to express motivations with clear physical actions. The lesson includes examples of strong motivations to use in your class. This activity is the third activity in a Motivation series that successively builds skills. No props are needed.
November 12, 2020
Motivation II Activity
Motivation II Activity Building on the Motivation I activity, participants expand their imagination skills beyond the chair. Participants work in pairs to decide on motivations for simple physical actions. We provide ideas for these actions or you can invent your own to match the objectives of the class. This activity is the second activity in a Motivation series that successively … Read more
September 22, 2020
Motivation I: Move the Chair Activity
Motivation I: Move the Chair Activity Participants work individually using their imagination in this activity with a real chair (note: you will need to provide a chair). This activity can be employed to practice a variety of skills such as Believability, Problem Solving, Subtext or Body as a stepping stone to more advanced drama. If … Read more
August 11, 2019
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