John “Appleseed” Chapman

John “Appleseed” Chapman story  This familiar story is customized to integrate teaching tall tales.  This story can also be used with the Body Objects Lesson.

The Museum

The Museum story  This story includes characters with names Mickey and Chris for either male or female players allowing more flexibility in assignment of roles.  There are words marked for the objects the group can make in a team of four.

The Mindless Woman

The Mindless Woman story This story is such a delight for students because they enjoy the silly nature of the woman’s actions.  The story was originally created for second graders studying China in social studies.  The students can be put into teams of four and given the direction that everyone needs to be in the story … Read more

Traveling Through a Setting

Traveling Through a Setting activity  Traveling through a Setting uses locomotor movement and enough space so students can travel as a group of 7-10 people.  This is a great application of sense memory and collaboration.  No materials needed, just open space.

Body Objects – a FREE drama lesson

free drama lesson

Body Objects Lesson: Creating Settings with Details Overview: students collaborate with a partner using negotiation strategies and applying concentration, imagination, imitation, and transformation skills. Objectives: students collaborate with a partner using negotiation strategies; apply concentration, imagination, imitation, and transformation skills; identify story elements. Students transform their bodies into objects and then into settings with a … Read more

The Dreamer

The Dreamer story This original story was adapted by Karen Erickson from the The Tales of the Arabian nights.  The adaptation highlights words that can be used to create body objects and is possible for students to work individually or in groups.   It can also be used in the Body Objects Lesson if you are just getting … Read more

The Sacred Scarab Root

The Sacred Scarab Root story This original story was written specifically for use in drama focusing on the concepts of Balance, Imagination, Cultural/Multicultural, Narrator/Storytelling, Repetition, Story Elements: Character, Conflict, Plot, Setting, Theme/Idea, and Transformation: Human Characters. It can also be used in the Body Objects Lesson if you are just getting started with drama.  A little background … Read more

The Turtle Who Lived By The Pond

The Turtle Who Lived By The Pond story This story was written at the request of first and second grade teachers who were teaching a unit on Living Things.  Following the story, students can compare and contrast the basic needs of living things: protective behaviors, coverings, touch, shelter, air, food, light and water. This works … Read more


Randolph story You can integrate this story with animal homes, animal habitats, and the winter season.  It can also be used in groups of four to act out the story.  More details can be found within the PDF. This works with the skills of Collaboration, Imagination, Repetition, and Story Elements: Setting.