Emotional Responses Activity

Emotional Responses Activity Using a list of emotions with some examples provided, participants will demonstrate these emotions with the use of their body and mind (primary drama tools).  Of course, the emotions chosen should be appropriate for their age group.  There is also an opportunity to include journaling as part of this activity.

Feather Activity

Feather Activity  We designed this activity for partner work to focus on building teamwork and concentration.  No actual feathers are needed.  The partners do not touch each other but work on action & reaction to develop the ability to collaborate.

Listening Mirror

Listening Mirror activity  This activity expands on previous mirror activities to include language arts skills.  Participants will develop better focus and listening skills with this.

Wall Mirror

Wall Mirror activity  This activity is a partner-based exercise to increase the collaboration of the group.  This is part of a group of mirror activities.

Basic Mirror

Basic Mirror activity Use this activity with your group to practice body-work with a focus on the skills of communication and collaboration.  This will also increase their concentration.  This activity works in conjunction with the Caveman story (suggested). This is part of a group of mirror activities.


Gotcha! activity  This activity is done with the group in a circle and can be used to review names.  This activity also serves to increase the energy and focus of the group.

The Freeze Drama Activity

the freeze drama activity

The Freeze – a Drama activity Overview: this important activity sets a classroom management signal useful in future lessons. Members can use this FREE activity to introduce and practice foundational drama skills and routines.  This is also an important activity as it sets a classroom management signal.  This signal should be established early in the … Read more

Pass the Face

Pass the Face activity This game is similar to the telephone game and is good for focusing on imitation and communication.  It requires no additional materials.

Help and Hinder Activity

Help and Hinder Activity This activity is related to “Action and Dialogue” activity along with “Changing Action and Dialogue” for dealing with Language Arts and imagination.  This activity adds conflict as a new skill.  In scene work, participants learn to create conflict and moments of harmony.