Animals and Their Homes Lesson

Animals and Their Homes Lesson What are the parallels between the ways we work together in drama and how parts of a habitat work together to sustain animal life? In this lesson, students in grades 3-5 can work together to create animal statues, and eventually create full habitats with only their bodies.  Students will have … Read more

Connecting Drama and Science – Body Objects: With Setting, Environments and Details

Connecting Drama and Science – Body Objects: With Setting, Environments, and Details Discover the striking parallels between establishing setting in drama and studying environments from a scientific standpoint. This lesson, designed for grades 3-8, goes in-depth on both topics, challenging students to be detail-oriented and collaborative in their thinking. Students can hone their transformation and … Read more

Habitats, Needs of Living Things, and Body Details Lesson

Habitats, Needs of Living Things, and Body Details Lesson How can we keep students fully engaged through complex subject matter? Ask them to engage their bodies as well as their minds! This exciting lesson integrates Drama with Language Arts and Science by asking students to create habitats and settings using only their bodies. It also … Read more

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem

  An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem  Students will love this globe-trotting poem, packed with action and humor! The narrator wants to run away but can’t decide where to go: Tokyo or the Midwest? Timbuktu or the Florida Keys? In this exciting adventure for grades 2-6, students could practice transformation, narrator skills, body objects, and settings. … Read more

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem

An Absolutely Gorgeous Day Poem Students will love this globe-trotting poem, packed with action and humor! The narrator wants to run away but can’t decide where to go: Tokyo or the Midwest? Timbuktu or the Florida Keys? In this exciting adventure for grades 2-6, students could practice transformation, narrator skills, body objects, and settings. Additionally, … Read more

Adaptation of Living Things Lesson

Adaptation of Living Things Lesson  Objective: students adapt and/or revise story details. Animal characters make up the focus for “Greysum Opossum’s Way” (included). Students adapt the story by putting in their own ideas as they work in a team (part of the third grade objectives). This lesson integrates well with teaching adaptation or habitats in science. … Read more

Science Integrated Drama Lesson

Science Integrated Drama Lesson

Drama Lesson Integrated with Science Overview: this drama lesson demonstrates tailoring the Body Objects activity for science. This FREE lesson steps you through an acting story with a focus on science.  The emphasis is on the question: “How can we use our bodies to show what we know about story and habitats?”  This lesson provides teaching tips, assessments and … Read more