Valentine’s Day Lesson

Valentine’s Day Lesson Help students work on story sequencing and imitation skills in this fun, Valentine’s Day-themed lesson! Suitable for students in grades 3-12, this lesson asks students to connect different activities to create a cohesive narrative, using setting, character, and transitions. You can integrate Language Arts by challenging students to write creative and clear … Read more

Creating Mood

Creating Mood Lesson Creating mood effectively is one of the most important lessons young actors can learn. In this lesson, students can practice using their imagination and concentration skills to create mood for a variety of different scenarios. This lesson gives students a chance to hone their ability to imagine their given circumstances, while using … Read more

Zip Zap Zop Activity

Zip Zap Zop Activity In this classic drama game, participants send energy around the circle while working on concentration, listening, and teamwork. Challenge your students to see how fast they can get!

Walking Activity

Walking Activity Participants, working on concentration and imitation, imagine walking on different substances. This activity is useful for integration with physical education and dance. 

Walking Through Space Activity

Walking Through Space Activity This exercise will engage your students’ bodies and imaginations! As participants walk around the room, they will explore how different body parts and different environments affect their movements. 

Tug of War Activity

Tug of War Activity This is just like tug of war in real life, but without a rope! Participants will practice action/reaction, concentration, imitation, and collaboration while having a lot of imaginary fun!

Tap Tap Activity

Tap Tap Activity In this fun and competitive game, participants try to escape the center of a circle. You will need a roll of paper, and each student will need a chair. 

String Pull Activity

String Pull Activity Following the directions of a leader, participants imagine being pulled by strings that affect different parts of their bodies. This is a great activity to connect with physical education or language arts!

Sound Catch: Advanced #2 Activity

Sound Catch: Advanced #2 Activity Building on Sound Catch and Sound Catch: Advanced #1, participants add gestures and facial expressions to their sounds as they continue to deepen their characterizations.

Sound Catch: Advanced #1 Activity

Sound Catch: Advanced #1 Activity Building on Sound Catch, participants transform sounds into conversation as they role play characters. They will explore how voice can reveal emotion and subtext.   Then you can move on to Sound Catch Advanced activity #2.