The Museum

The Museum story  This story includes characters with names Mickey and Chris for either male or female players allowing more flexibility in assignment of roles.  There are words marked for the objects the group can make in a team of four.

The Sleeping Lion

The Sleeping Lion story This story is for a group of four.  Do a warm-up teaching “sounds.”   This story can be used to stress the importance of sound in a drama–kids will enjoy personifying the creatures of the jungle.  Some groups can make sounds with voices only, some with musical instruments only, some with … Read more

Waiting for the Bus

Waiting for the Bus activity  This activity has participants working in groups of 4-5 both with and without speaking.  It works with the skills of Imitation, Body, Action/Reaction, Imagination, Collaboration, and Story Elements.

Changing Action and Dialogue

Changing Action and Dialogue activity  This activity works with imagination and action to create a scene enhancing the participants skills in the Language Arts.  Two related activities are the preceding Changing Action and Dialogue and the advanced Help and Hinder.

Help and Hinder Activity

Help and Hinder Activity This activity is related to “Action and Dialogue” activity along with “Changing Action and Dialogue” for dealing with Language Arts and imagination.  This activity adds conflict as a new skill.  In scene work, participants learn to create conflict and moments of harmony.

Action and Dialogue

Action and Dialogue  This activity works with imagination and action to create a scene enhancing the participants skills in the Language Arts.  Two follow-on activities are Changing Action and Dialogue and Help and Hinder.